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EE/CS 480/481 13/26/2009 9:45 AM University of Portland School of Engineering Rock O’ The Range ListenUP Team Paul Imel Takeshi Horie Joe Lyons Jonathon.

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Presentation on theme: "EE/CS 480/481 13/26/2009 9:45 AM University of Portland School of Engineering Rock O’ The Range ListenUP Team Paul Imel Takeshi Horie Joe Lyons Jonathon."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE/CS 480/481 13/26/2009 9:45 AM University of Portland School of Engineering Rock O’ The Range ListenUP Team Paul Imel Takeshi Horie Joe Lyons Jonathon Loo Advisor Dr. Vegdahl, Dr. Ward Industry Representative Mr. Jason Favors, Eric West, Owen Nichols, Ben Foran Flashlight Engineering

2 EE/CS 480/481 2 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

3 EE/CS 480/481 3 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Visual Music Creator –Visually rich –Musically simple –Creatively inspirational 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

4 EE/CS 480/481 4 University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard Finished Theory of Operations 1.0 Merge the two parts of our program together. –Merged Successfully Create music library and finish play functionality. –Plays Beautifully Have testers(other teams) test our program. –Not done yet 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

5 EE/CS 480/481 5 University of Portland School of Engineering Additional Accomplishments Demo-able program –Very close to being completely, successfully done 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

6 EE/CS 480/481 6 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Test the program thoroughly ourselves –Every use case and test case Have testers(other teams) test our program Complete program Perform dry run Present on Founder’s Day Finish Final Report 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

7 EE/CS 480/481 7 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal 1 Mar 08 Previous 26 Feb 09 Present 26 Mar 09 13Sound Synthesized30 Jan 0920 Feb 0916 Mar 09 14Add/remove notes Implemented06 Feb 0920 Feb 09 15Alpha Version30 Jan 0927 Feb 09 16Song playing-6 Mar 0917 Mar 09 17 Play bar animated, Error checkingfor staff 13 Feb 0913 Mar 0916 Mar 09 18 Save and Load 06 Mar 09 -19 Mar 09 19 Secondary Functionality Completed 06 Mar 09 -27 Mar 09 20 Usability Testing completed 13 Mar 09 13 Feb 0931 Mar 09 21 Testing 13 Mar 09 02 Apr 09 22 Dry Run03 Apr 09 23 Founders Day Presentation 07 Apr 09 06 Mar 0902 Mar 09 24 Final Draft 23 Apr 09 -3 Apr 09 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

8 EE/CS 480/481 8 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues Authority to save/load on school computers Considering secondary functionality –Time vs. Easy Implementation Finding all the bugs Making it look as good as it can –Coloring it well –Finding the right music 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

9 EE/CS 480/481 9 University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions What we’ve done –Program that functions well. –Only finishing touches needed yet. –Need to show it off well. 3/26/2009 9:45 AM

10 EE/CS 480/481 10 Any Questions? 2/26/2009 9:45 AM University of Portland School of Engineering

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