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Inter-League Play Allows for more than one League to play together as a single division All Leagues Charter and Insure their own teams There should be.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter-League Play Allows for more than one League to play together as a single division All Leagues Charter and Insure their own teams There should be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter-League Play Allows for more than one League to play together as a single division All Leagues Charter and Insure their own teams There should be an Inter-league Agreement and Committee (District 1 Inter-League Rules) Must be approved by the League Presidents and DA (also must be approved by Western Region for tournament play) Unless approved by Western Region for tournament play, each league involved will form their own tournament teams

2 Team Registration

3 Interleague Play Form PA12 X Enter State, District and Level of Play Remember : Use one form for each division

4 Interleague Play Form Brandon LL-238-12-01 Maynard LL-238-12-02 10,000 8,000 3 2 Jack Johns Tim Black 31516 8 88 Enter League Names, ID Numbers for each Enter Populations and Numbers of Teams Presidents’ Signatures needed Enter No. of Players in appropriate age sections

5 Interleague Play Form X Scott LeinbachPA #1203/15/10 Don Soucy 04/05/10 Check Combo request for Tournament Play (No) Identify leagues combining (No need as combo is not requested) Each League must charter (In appropriate division) DA Signature / District / Date Regional Director Signature / Date (For tournament play only)

6 Combined Teams Play Allows players from more than one league to combine for league play Each league involved must charter for the division which they wish to combine for One league must be designated as the host league. Host League Charters and Insures the team Approval required by the Presidents, DA and Western Region. Must be approved by Western Region for tournament play


8 Combined Teams For Regular Season PA12 X Enter State, District and Level of Play Remember : Use one form for each division

9 Combined Teams For Regular Season Brandon LL-238-12-01 Maynard LL-238-12-02 10,000 8,000 22 6 Jack Johns Tim Black 11 6 Enter League Names, ID Numbers for each Enter Populations and Numbers of players Presidents’ Signatures needed Enter No. of Players in appropriate age sections

10 Combined Teams For Regular Season X X X Scott Leinbach PA #12 03/15/10 Don Soucy 04/05/10 Check Combo request for Tournament Play Identify leagues combining Each League must charter (in appropriate divisions) DA Signature / District / Date Regional Director Signature / Date

11 Waivers A local league has the right to petition the Charter Committee in Williamsport to waive a specific rule or regulation. The process for requesting such a waiver must be followed precisely as outlined in the Operating Manual.

12 Waiver Procedure The procedure is: 1. The local Little League board of directors votes to request the waiver. 2. The president writes a letter to the attention of “The Charter Committee, Williamsport, Pennsylvania” detailing the waiver and the reasons for requesting it. Any supporting documents are included. 3. The letter and documents are forwarded to the district administrator for his or her recommendation and/or investigation. 4. The letter and documents are forwarded to the Regional Director for his or her recommendation and/or investigation. 5. The letter and documents are forwarded to the Charter Committee for action.


14 Send to District Administrator Do NOT send to Western Region Do NOT Send to Little League Headquarters

15 Reference Your League and League ID What Regulation/Rule you are requesting to be waived

16 Must be authorized by Board of Directors

17 Must State Specifically what part of the Regulation/Rule you are asking to be waived

18 Give Reason(s) Attach supporting documentation if applicable


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