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ADAPTIVE SPORT GRANT PRESENTATION To Access the Meeting: 1-800-767-1750 Code 49048# Online:

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Presentation on theme: "ADAPTIVE SPORT GRANT PRESENTATION To Access the Meeting: 1-800-767-1750 Code 49048# Online:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADAPTIVE SPORT GRANT PRESENTATION To Access the Meeting: 1-800-767-1750 Code 49048# Online: Thursday, Jan. 21, 2:00 – 3:00 EST Mute your phone. If you have questions, use the Q&A feature on the bottom right in Adobe Connect. We will address questions after each subject area. DATE DOCUMENT TYPE/STATUS 1

2 Agenda 2 Standardize Payment Request Process Quarterly Report Overview VA Adaptive Sport Grantee Calendar of Grant-Funded Events FY16 Adaptive Sports Grant (ASG) Application - Renewals

3 Payment Requests 3 Currently grantees request payment by accessing the Payment Management System (PMS) and requesting funds. They then send an e-mail to VA describing the payment details. E-mails can be vague or not enable VA to fully evaluate the payment request. VA is seeking to standardize the payment request process through use of an invoice capturing the approved budget and payment request details within a single document. Effective Feb. 1, 2016, to request payment, grantees will access PMS and make the request. They will then complete and e-mail to VA the invoice showing costs for each budget line item, tie the cost to a specific deliverables, and describe specifics of the payment request. For subsequent payment requests, grantees will add new charges to the existing invoice form and submit to VA. The form will track all payment invoices for the grant lifecycle and will be used to develop the quarterly report.

4 Controls & Benefits 4 Some grantees have well developed financial policies and controls, but many don’t and lack Federal grant experience. The invoice helps establish a baseline to track type, amount, and status of expenses. Some PMS payments are delayed due to inadequate data support; the invoice helps clarify expenses and linkage to deliverables. Factors such as multiple funding sources, weather, level of participation, and partnership successes or failures, result in actual expenses not matching budget plan; the invoice helps identify deviations in type and amount of changes per expense category and facilitates timely budget changes. When expenses are below budget, the invoice aids change requests in a more proactive manner and aids integration with original plan. For monitoring and closeout, invoice helps clarify financial transactions and meeting reporting requirements.

5 Invoicing 5 Grantee must input name and approved budget amount. Save as “Organization Name Payment Invoice”. To invoice, insert payment date and identify costs in the respective budget category. List the deliverable, add details for the payment, and submit to VA. For future payments, just add to the form for the respective quarter.

6 6 Quarterly Report Overview All grantees should have received customized quarterly report detailing deliverables and approved budget. Report is intended to be a living document that is updated for each quarter and resubmitted with the new data. Reports are due to VA 30 days following the end of the quarter and 60 days following the end of the fiscal year (or 60 days following grant extension). Report has 9 separate worksheets. Report must be e-mailed to VA in Excel format (do not save as PDF). Common errors: Personnel costs (Admin vs. Operational), unique Veteran name but no zip code, travel costs not compliant with GSA per diem rates, incomplete worksheets.

7 7 Active Calendar Outreach in partnership with VA is required by all grantees (Deliverable #1) VA is implementing an active calendar of grant-funded activities to facilitate joint outreach and provide visibility of grant-funded programming. The calendar is accessed via: Grantees must register to create an account and then add grant-funded events to the calendar. Once registered, click “Add an Event”. Events must be added to the calendar at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the event. Input data in the required fields: Event Details, Date, Category (eligible disability type), Location, POC, Type of Event (Grantee Event) and “submit”. All events must be included, even those closed for registration or invite-only. Simply note “Registration Closed” in the description.

8 8 FY16 Renewal Applications VA expects to announce 60-day grant application period in February 2016 through Current grantees may apply as renewal applicants, however they must still submit a complete application that meets all requirements to be considered. The main difference is renewal applications reduce administrative burden by not requiring some items that already exist in VA files, such as forms to create PMS accounts. Progress toward current deliverables, reporting requirements, and other factors specific to renewal applications will be considered. As indicated in the NOFA, VA adaptive sport grants are not intended to sustain year-to-year operations and thus current grantees are not guaranteed subsequent awards.

9 Visit for additional information, and check us out on Facebook for news and VA Contacts: Mr. Michael F. Welch Mr. Joshua McCoy Mr. Matt Bristol Contacts

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