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Hitler’s Lightning War Why was the German army able to take over countries so quickly?

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1 Hitler’s Lightning War Why was the German army able to take over countries so quickly?

2 Western Front Sept 1939: Germany uses a “blitzkrieg” (lightning war) strategy in Poland Blitzkrieg: surprise attack using fast moving airplanes, relentless bombing, tanks & massive troop deployment Sept 1939-March 1940: Soviet troops invade E. Poland, & Stalin annexes three Baltic countries & invades Finland as a “buffer” zone Mar 1940: Allies mobilize their armies on French-German border –Germany doesn’t attack – “phony war”? Apr 1940: Hitler attacks Denmark & Norway (bases for later attack on GB) May 1940: Hitler blitzkriegs the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg Fall of France From Belgium, German troops squeeze through heavily wooded Northern France to get passed French Maginot Line. May 1940: French troops are trapped at coastline. British send 850 ships across the channel to rescue the French at Dunkirk Rescue at Dunkirk

3 Map Time! Stripe 26, 27, 28 and 29 in red Stripe 6,7,8,10,11 in purple

4 After Dunkirk, Mussolini joins forces with Hitler to attack France June 1940: French resistance crumbles, Germans take Paris In Southern France, Henri-Philippe Petain is named French Prime Minister Petain sets up a “puppet government” loyal to Germany = Vichy France French general Charles de Gaulle sets up a French government-in-exile in London. De Gaulle dedicates himself to retaking France Battle of Britain August 1940: Hitler plans an invasion of Britain. First, he must take out the British Airforce (RAF) German Luftwaffe (airforce) led by Hermann Goering begins bombing Britain Oct 1940: New technology called radar & a German code breaking machine named Enigma, help the British counterattack the Luftwaffe May 1941: Stunned by the resistance Hitler calls off attacks – proves Germany is not unstoppable! We Shall Never Surrender ! Winston Churchill We Will Retur n De Gaulle Great Britain stops Nazis but only Allied Nation left

5 Map Time ! Stripe 5 in purple, put purple “x’s in 5b, purple x’s in German Allies xxxxx Color #1 in blue, color Allies on key in blue

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