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Tolerance Of Other Faiths

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1 Tolerance Of Other Faiths

2 What Is Tolerance Of Other Faiths?
Respecting and recognising the beliefs or practices of others who differ from our own. OR An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.

3 Changing Society In 2011, London was the most diverse region. The North East and the North West had the highest proportion of Christians and Wales had the highest proportion of people reporting no religion. This demonstrates the increase in diversity, especially in important areas such as London

4 Religion In Our Region Knowsley was the local authority with the highest proportion of people reporting to be Christians at 80.9% and Tower Hamlets had the highest proportion of Muslims at 34.5% (over seven times the England and Wales figure). However, this shows that tolerance towards other religions is important as people may be fearful to voice their true religions at risk of not being accepted into society

5 Negative Impacts On Tolerance
It’s important to note that religious beliefs are held closer to people as individuals. If you insult or disrespect the beliefs, you will in turn insult and offend the people who hold them. There are two main types of racist and religious hate crime; Crime and Disorder act of 1998 – aggravated offences Criminal Justice act 2003 – sentenced for offences There is also the Discrimination claim under the Equality act of 2010

6 Catholic Values Towards Tolerance
As Catholics we’re all created in the eyes of God and made equally Therefore we should treat everyone with respect GOLDEN RULE – “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

7 Useful Quotes “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion” The Dalai Lama “Never take a person’s dignity, it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you” Frank Barron “There is neither Jew, nor Greek, there is neither slave, nor free, there is no male or female, you are all in one Christ Jesus

8 Inspirational Video

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