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Site License Advisory Team April 30, 2013 meeting.

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1 Site License Advisory Team April 30, 2013 meeting

2 Agenda 1.Microsoft Campus Agreement Renewal 2.MS Agreement RFP for Reseller 3.Adobe CLP Changes 4.Software Upgrades, and Renewals 1.Secunia SCCM Plugin 2.SPSS 5.New Software Under Consideration 1.TurnItIn 2.Qualtrics 6.Retirements 1.McAfee

3 Microsoft Campus Agreement Current Agreement expires 6/30/2013 –New agreement costs the University less Includes full campus desktop option for students Addition of virtualization Most departments will not see major changes to budget requirements over FY13 –FTE Numbers have not changed dramatically in most areas (exception, MedCenter)

4 Microsoft Campus Agreement FTE Change, FY13 – FY14 –Fac/Staff: FY13: 23,379 FY14: 23,870 –Growth: 491 FTE –Student FY13: 53,977 FY14: 53,262 –Growth: -715 FTE

5 Microsoft Reseller RFP IUC is preparing to go to RFP for a reseller Requirements affecting OSU: –Ability to change reseller with 30 days notice –Ability to choose a different reseller than the IUC if necessary –Ability to award to different vendors for different agreements Pricing for SQL, Project, Visio, et al. on subscription rates included in RFP

6 Microsoft Reseller RFP Requirements Price list for Select products provided monthly 4 hour SLA to respond with quote M-F, 8-5 availability (with backup) required for sales team PO’s processed and materials sent to us within 3 business days of receipt Account team to be evaluated with references

7 Adobe CLP Changes Current CLP in place until 4/1/14 With the next CLP: –Adobe will no longer offer maintenance on any perpetual licenses –Adobe will no longer offer concurrent licensing –Adobe will no longer offer perpetual upgrades beyond CS6 (we think) Adobe is pushing everyone to the Creative Cloud (CC) option

8 Adobe CLP Changes Adobe Creative Cloud does not have an enterprise option at this time. –You must purchase a copy for every person using the software No plans to integrate CC with single sign-on or Shibboleth CC is not FERPA compliant CC offers every product available –You cannot license a subset of things you need.

9 Adobe, Labs and Virtualization Labs may currently purchase perpetual licenses, but may not use the Creative Cloud suite to provide software to students without purchasing CC for every student using the software Under current license, you may not virtualize Adobe software –Adobe is not offering a virtualization solution beyond “Buy it for everyone.”

10 RFI for Adobe-like Products OCIO Site Licensing and OSU Purchasing are preparing to go to RFI to survey the body of products available to potentially replace Adobe if necessary –This is a first step in understanding the market, not a statement that we’re moving away from Adobe entirely.

11 Secunia SCCM Plugin SCCM Plugin was not included in our current contract –PO was cut, SCCM Plugin turned on (yesterday) –Delay caused by Secunia’s move to the US, and the need to add them as a “new vendor” in the system

12 Other Renewals/Retirements SPSS –OCIO is still pending our first quote Seeking to potentially add virtualization Requested information on expanding packages Exploring a 3-year deal

13 New Products Under Discussion TurnItIn –ODEE is in talks to purchase a TurnItIn license for the entire university and integrate it into Carmen. –Target date: July 1 to have everything in place, Autumn Semester to turn it on Qualtrics –Under review by OCIO and Purchasing Spend is the major concern: we don’t think we spend enough to have a site license make sense.

14 McAfee End of Life OCIO and OSUWMC have agreed to retire McAfee before September 2013 –Target to have McAfee removed from all systems: June 30, 2013 Current recommended alternatives include Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection (formerly Forefront) on all platforms.

15 Questions/Comments Next meeting May 31, 2013, 10 AM, 580 Baker Systems –Following meeting June 27 th 2013, 10 AM 580 Baker Systems (a Thursday, since I’m out that Friday)

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