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Preparing for the ‘Carbon Tax Trip’ ahead GIBS/Champions of the Environment Foundation Alex Hetherington - February 26, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the ‘Carbon Tax Trip’ ahead GIBS/Champions of the Environment Foundation Alex Hetherington - February 26, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the ‘Carbon Tax Trip’ ahead GIBS/Champions of the Environment Foundation Alex Hetherington - February 26, 2013

2 Agenda 1.About Carbon Calculated 2.Goals of a carbon footprint 3.Types of carbon emissions 4.Key points of carbon profile 5.The Roads ahead – carbon scenarios 6.Carbon emission examples

3 Measurement and strategy Cost-effective solution Trained in GHG Protocol (WRI & WBCSD) - Organisational (annual) - One-off Project - Verification - Real-time Carbon Calculated

4 Why a carbon footprint? Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)…more than just carbon dioxide (CO 2 )… … SF 6 … CH 4 … N 2 O… HFCs… PFCs GOAL of a carbon footprint is to capture as many DIRECT & INDIRECT GHG emissions from an organisation or product. You can’t manage what you don’t measure!

5 Emission scopes Purposefully confusing, but does prevent double-counting! Compulsory vs. voluntary

6 Key components of CO 2 profile Underlying information 1. Sustainability data 2. Carbon footprint 3. Financial monitoring

7 The road ahead

8 CO2 Management Scenario 1 DRIVING BLIND  No measurement  No management  No cost control UNPREPARED

9 CO2 Management Scenario 2 MYOPIC (‘tunnel vision’)  Measured, but in COMPLIANCE mode NO MANAGEMENT

10 CO2 Management Scenario 2 MYOPIC (‘tunnel vision’)

11 CO2 Management Scenario 3  Real-time info  Target setting  Forwards & backwards 360 o Vision

12 Sustainability Dashboard

13 Remember the scopes Purposefully confusing, but does prevent double-counting! Compulsory vs. voluntary

14 Example: carbon in healthcare Where do the emissions lie?

15 Example: carbon in healthcare Where do the emissions lie?

16 Example: carbon in healthcare

17 Where do the emissions lie? Example: carbon in healthcare

18 Where do the emissions lie? Example: carbon in healthcare



21 Benefits of carbon footprinting 1. Forced measurement of useful metrics 2. Understanding sustainability data 3. Controlling costs 4. Track initiatives for improvement – esp. EE 5. Set & gauge targets – carbon, financial, other

22 Drivers for carbon management

23 Alex Hetherington Tel: 021-671-9883 Thank you!

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