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Bread and Circuses. An ancient Roman strategy used in modern American times.

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1 Bread and Circuses. An ancient Roman strategy used in modern American times.

2 What is it? The phrase originates from Roman poet Juvenal who stated that the Roman government used this method to win votes by popularity. Bread and Circus refers to the strategy of giving citizens what they want to distract citizens from what is going on in the government and economy.

3 In Ancient Rome The Roman empire centered around emperors. As the emperors and their power grew stronger, the citizens role in government became less prominent. Juvenal stated “The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now meddle no more and longs eagerly for just two things — bread and circuses.“

4 Roman Entertainment Circus Maximus was a stadium built for chariot races. Colosseum was a amphitheater that was home to the gladiator contests, animal hunts, public executions, and naval battles. Admission was cheap and all citizens were allowed to attend. Thermae or bath houses, were built by a emperor for luxury to the citizens.

5 Roman Government Gifted Food Free grain was gifted to the poor to win the lower class. Farmers were given business from this and more time

6 In America The economy in the United States is plummeting to an all time low, reaching very close to the great depression. Most citizens do not pay attention to news and politics because of all the “coincident timing” of the celebrities scandals making the front page of the news. Modern technology has made it easy for citizens to become distracted by reality television, sports, and music, rather than focusing on more important issues like the economic collapse. Government Bank loans and welfare have also enabled people to let their economic worries slip by allowing them money when they want/need it.

7 The American Press Circus In February 2004, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake hosted the half time show during the super bowl and had a little miss happening. Two days after, the reporters and media repeated this event and discussed it non-stop. People wrote letters to CBS and local papers, and many called in to talk shows. The half time show had put things like the President appointing the “independent” commission to investigate himself right off the front page. When the public should have been looking at the huge budget problem.

8 Cheap American Food Fast food keeps citizens under control because of the low prices that poor communities can afford. Food Stamps are given to people in need of money with low income by the United States Government. Food stamps entitle a person access to nutritious food for themselves and their children.

9 Comparisons Romans had a form of entertainment in which large crowds of people came to watch gladiators fight in the Coliseum. In the United States we see similar events occurring but where people go to view football games, boxing, or other sporting events. In Rome free grain was given to the poor. Today in the United States food stamps are given out the poor and there are multiple food drives that go on in schools. There is also cheap fast food which will keep consumers happy with the low prices. In both the United States and Ancient Rome the people were kept occupied with entertainment and happy with lower prices for food, so no riots broke out and no citizens rebelled.

10 circus.htm circus.htm ancient_roman_food.htm ancient_roman_food.htm

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