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By: Ta’Nia strong & Katoya brown.  What is a Revolution?  A Revolution is a war that creates change.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ta’Nia strong & Katoya brown.  What is a Revolution?  A Revolution is a war that creates change."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ta’Nia strong & Katoya brown

2  What is a Revolution?  A Revolution is a war that creates change.

3  The Acts are really just taxes the British made to get more money because of debt. For example Stamp Act: The stamp act is when the British taxed stamps that people needed to send paper, letters,official documents etc. Sugar Act: The sugar act is when the British taxed sugar and things with sugar in it like cakes, cookies donuts etc. Those are only some of the acts that the British made. The Acts

4 The Boston Massacre When British soldiers accidentally killed five people.(Not really a massacre)

5  Boston Tea Party Why were they doing this? The colonists were pushed over the edge by the last act. In anger on December 16,1773 they dressed as mawhawk Indians and push hundreds of boxes of tea into the Boston harbor.

6  Battles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill  Battle of Lexington and Concord happened on April 18 th 1775 in the battle of Lexington the British won the battle but at the battle of concord the colonists prevailed.  The battle of Bunker Hill was a very clever battle someone in the colonists found out that the British were going to take over Bunker Hill for the battle so the colonists went to the hill built a wall and waited for the British when it came time for the battle the colonists had the up hand and won the battle of Bunker Hill.

7  HOTS Question  What events lead to a revolution?  What were the key battles for independence?  Why was the Revolution an important event in U.S History?  The taxes  The battles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill.  It was important in U.S History because we got our independence.

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