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1. Political Ideology refers to a set of values, beliefs, opinions, assumptions, and attitudes about how society should be organized and operated. It.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Political Ideology refers to a set of values, beliefs, opinions, assumptions, and attitudes about how society should be organized and operated. It."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Political Ideology refers to a set of values, beliefs, opinions, assumptions, and attitudes about how society should be organized and operated. It tends to focus on the responsibilities and powers that the government should or should not have, and on the freedoms that individuals, groups, or companies should or should not have. 2

3 Ideology guides how people  Interpret current issues and events  Frame arguments for their positions  Vote  Engage in political action to promote their goals 3

4 While many kinds of labels are used for different ideologies, most commonly we name the alternative ideologies as “Liberal” or “Conservative” 4

5 Either Liberal Or Conservative 5

6 6

7 There are a gazillion issues ….  Should the government set a minimum wage that workers must be paid?  Should the government help senior citizens pay for prescription drugs?  Should oil companies be allowed to drill for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge?  Should the US create a guest worker program for immigrant workers?  Should public schools be allowed to conduct school prayers?  Should consumers pay a recycling tax when purchasing electronic equipment with a monitor screen? 7 Far Left----Liberal----Centrist----Conservative----Far Right

8 A. Taxes B. Government regulation of economic activity C. Government assistance to people in need D. Selected social issues E. Foreign affairs 8

9 9

10 Should CA income taxes be raised so that the fees paid by CSU students can be lowered? 10

11 Some CSU Facts 11 Percent of CSU Costs Paid by State 1998-99: 80% 2014-15: 54%

12 If any, what should be the minimum wage that all employers in California are required to pay their workers? Some facts about living in CA 12

13 1. Prescription drugs for the elderly 2. Grants and loans for college students 3. Daycare services 4. Health insurance 5. Education programs for underachieving students 6. Job training programs 7. Unemployment benefits 8. Leaves from work for childbirth, family illness, work injury 9. Foreign aid to countries experiencing starvation, health crises, natural disasters 13

14 1. Abortion 2. Gun control 3. English only vs. Language diversity 4. Capital punishment 5. Immigration 6. Prayer and religious symbols in government activities 7. Gay & lesbian marriage 8. Multiculturalism 9. The Patriot Act 14

15  What should the US do about the Islamic State (IS) terrorists in Iraq and Syria?  What role should the US play in global planning to fight global warming?  How should the US relate to China’s growing economic and military strength?  What should the US do about the second-class status of females in many parts of the world? 15

16 Far Left Liberal Moderate Conservative Far Right 16

17 Democrat Far Left Liberal Moderate Conservative Far Right Republican 17

18 Libertarian P & F Green Democrat Far Left Liberal Moderate Conservative Far Right Republican Am. Independent Libertarian 18

19 19

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22 22

23 23

24 24 Legalize ProstitutionFight Racial Prejudice on CampusStop Texting and DrivingFight Cultural AppropriationStop Coastal ErosionFight Sexual Assaults on CampusSave the SharksStop the Monterey Downs Development

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