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Genderwise The role of men as agents of change in reconciling work and family life COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE Transnational seminar In Enna – 07 th October.

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Presentation on theme: "Genderwise The role of men as agents of change in reconciling work and family life COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE Transnational seminar In Enna – 07 th October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genderwise The role of men as agents of change in reconciling work and family life COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE Transnational seminar In Enna – 07 th October 2006

2 Plan of intervention  Presentation  Two cases studies  Conclusion – Questions for debate

3 Presentation

4 The LAG members  Introduction : “Our LAG tells us that we are two men, agents of change in gender equality !”  Presentations  Philippe GUY :  Philippe GUY : Master house painter in building sector

5 The LAG members  I ensure various activities of representation in the field of the professional policies :  President of the Confederacy of the Craft and the Small firms of the Building of the department of Alpes de Haute Provence  Member elected of the Chamber of Trades of the same department  Member elected of the regional chamber of Trades, president of the commission ‘training’  Vice president of the National of Health Insurance of the department  Vice president of the Regional Observatory of the Trades

6 The LAG members Lionel NARI  Lionel NARI  Driver conductor in passenger transportation company (bus and railway) : the Departmental Authority of Transports  Union representative of the trade union CGT - General Confederation of Labour

7 Cases Studies

8 Case Study - Philippe GUY “The reception of two women in my 'men' working team …”  Background  Experiences  Results or effects  Solutions or learning to be retained

9 Case Study – Lionel NARI “The case of a woman who wants to become a controller …”  Background  Experiences  Results or effects  Solutions or learning to be retained

10 Conclusion

11 Conclusion  We work with women who decide to practice in 'male' stereotypical trades …  Which is the link with the gender approach developed by men ?  So that women become integrated into these jobs, the presence of a man 'integrator' 'companion' is necessary, notably at the level of the working teams …in order to guide them in their integration in term of competences and not differences

12 Conclusion  If the men in the workplace want to invest 'feminine' stereotypical professions (educational, care, services) then, do they also need, as in our cases, women to guide and optimize their integration ? To develop the notion of exemplarity ?  To open the debate on other dimension : the representativeness in the workplace (in decision making or in representatives functions)

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