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Mr Simon McBeth Miss Emma Ewing Mrs Carol Ravenscroft Miss Vanessa O’Shea Mrs Helen Munday Welcome to Year 3 & 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Simon McBeth Miss Emma Ewing Mrs Carol Ravenscroft Miss Vanessa O’Shea Mrs Helen Munday Welcome to Year 3 & 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Simon McBeth Miss Emma Ewing Mrs Carol Ravenscroft Miss Vanessa O’Shea Mrs Helen Munday Welcome to Year 3 & 4

2 Changes from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Greater self-organisation expected.Greater self-organisation expected. The pace of work increases.The pace of work increases. Break time in the morning only.Break time in the morning only. Fruit or healthy snack at break.Fruit or healthy snack at break. Lunchtime 12:20pm to 1:25pm.Lunchtime 12:20pm to 1:25pm. Pride, respect, responsibility. Golden Time. Missed time / earned back. Serious incidents – card system. Good behaviour booklet on website Behaviour


4 Homework Homework will be completed in a homework book this year. We expect the same standard as what would be expected in school. Please follow the presentation guidance in the book. If the work is not up to standards children will be asked to rewrite in homework club. Please be sensible in the time you give your child to complete the homework. We are after quality rather than quantity. Spellings: Lists handed out on Friday.(Also on school website.) LCSWC Spelling test on Friday. Homework book: Given out on Friday. Hand in on Wednesday. Homework Club: Monday lunchtime.

5 Reading In school: Guided reading in groups.Guided reading in groups. Individual readers.Individual readers. Reading ambassadors.Reading ambassadors. Library books as well as Reading Stage books.Library books as well as Reading Stage books. At home: Reading Records.Reading Records. Aim to read with your child 3 times a week and sign and record the reading record.Aim to read with your child 3 times a week and sign and record the reading record. Reading comprehensionsReading comprehensions Across school and home a wide variety of genres and media should be covered and read for pleasure.Across school and home a wide variety of genres and media should be covered and read for pleasure.

6 School website Dates, newsletters, updates and other information. Please tell us if you do not give permission for your child’s photo to be taken during school activities.

7 Your child will need Pencil case – to fit in a tray and include a pencil, ruler and rubberPencil case – to fit in a tray and include a pencil, ruler and rubber PE kit – indoor and outdoorPE kit – indoor and outdoor Art shirtArt shirt Book bagBook bag Water bottleWater bottle Blue fibre tip penBlue fibre tip pen Everything should be named A reminder list is given out each term.

8 1 st Day Children will come in at 8.45 as they are currently which is via the gate outside of FS and walk along the path past Y1/2 and then onto the playground and into the Y3/4 classes.Children will come in at 8.45 as they are currently which is via the gate outside of FS and walk along the path past Y1/2 and then onto the playground and into the Y3/4 classes. Please let your children walk round by themselves.Please let your children walk round by themselves. Registration at 8:55am.Registration at 8:55am. At 3.30 the children will leave by the front door and will walk on the path to the top of the drive where they will look for who is picking them up and will tell the teacher and will then be allowed to leave.At 3.30 the children will leave by the front door and will walk on the path to the top of the drive where they will look for who is picking them up and will tell the teacher and will then be allowed to leave.

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