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To Kill a Mockingbird Day 8: Lessons Learned. The Maycomb Tribune Your Objective Write a 150-250 word article for publication in The Maycomb Tribune During.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird Day 8: Lessons Learned. The Maycomb Tribune Your Objective Write a 150-250 word article for publication in The Maycomb Tribune During."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird Day 8: Lessons Learned

2 The Maycomb Tribune Your Objective Write a 150-250 word article for publication in The Maycomb Tribune During your article, you must attribute quotes to 2 different characters from TKaM – Write in the characters voice Think about who they are, how they feel, and what they’d say about the event Not a quote from the book Relate your knowledge of the character Possible Choices Mr. Ewell getting/losing a job Judge Taylor’s home intruder Helen Robinson being hired by Link Deas Miss Tutti and Frutti’s cellar shenanigans The Halloween Pageant Mr. Ewell’s death

3 The Mockingbird Tom Robinson In Chapter 25, Mr. Underwood “likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children” (Lee 323). Boo Radley In the end, Scout compares bringing attention to Arthur Radley in relation to what happened after the pageant to shooting a mockingbird. Why are these characters compared to the mockingbird? How do Tom Robinson and Boo Radley relate?

4 To: Boo From: Scout and Jem Scout says that she would never see Boo again. She reflects on all the things he had given the children (soap, pennies, Jem’s life, etc.), and is saddened in thinking they never gave Boo anything in return. Is that true? Did the children give Boo anything?

5 The Gray Ghost We learn of this book early on when Jem gets it from Dill as part of the dare to touch the Radley house. Why does Atticus read Scout and Jem The Gray Ghost at the end of the book?

6 Scout’s Life Lessons Prepare a group presentation relating the theme you are given to a life lesson learned by Scout throughout TKaM –You will need minimum one quote, two-three examples from the book, and a reason why this relates to us now. Group 1: Racial Prejudice Group 2: Social Snobbery Group 3: Morality Group 4: Patience Group 5: Equality Group 6: The Need for Compassion Group 7: The Need for Conscience Group 8: Tolerance

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