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Component 1 - National Framework for Technical Education & Vocational Training 1.1. National Workforce Development Council 1.2. Enhancement of TVET & ICT.

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Presentation on theme: "Component 1 - National Framework for Technical Education & Vocational Training 1.1. National Workforce Development Council 1.2. Enhancement of TVET & ICT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Component 1 - National Framework for Technical Education & Vocational Training 1.1. National Workforce Development Council 1.2. Enhancement of TVET & ICT in the Secondary School System 1.3. Transform the Bahamas Technical Vocational Institute [BTVI] 1.4. Build Public- Private Partnership [PPP] 1.5. Fully Integrate Entrepreneurship into Secondary & Post Secondary Curriculum.

2 NATIONAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL [WFDC] Develop a national qualifications framework aligned to regional & international standards; Develop standards to guide training programs at every level; Create a labour-market information system to both inform the sector and capture data from all stakeholders.

3 TVET & ICT SECONDARY Review and benchmark the content and delivery of secondary school mathematics, science and language arts; Review and benchmark the content and delivery of TVET programs, specifically hospitality & tourism, construction & IT; Update core academic and TVET standards to reflect requirements of higher learning & employment; Introduce technology into ALL schools, establish internationally recognized certification, infuse all curricula with use of technology throughout; Establish integrated industry-based training for teachers, including learning missions, etc; Institute tracer studies throughout!

4 BTVI Phase 1 Initiation of a Credit Division for the commencement of Associate Degrees in Phase II Establishment of draft legislation to make into semi- autonomous operation offering programs aligned to industry needs Updating of targeted “bridge” programs to address Immediate needs of industry Establish and operationalize systems to support the delivery of certification & licensure training based on international standards Recommendations for improved student support services Develop programmatic plans to support new and improved programs in hospitality, information technology, and construction 1 6. 4. 3. 2. 5. Major expansion of programs in Family Islands 7.

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