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Presentation on theme: "MY SCHOOL OUR LADY QUEEN OF HEAVEN PRIMARY SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HERE IS IT ? Our lady queen of heaven primary school is situated in Wimbledon, London UK.

3 U NIFORM N URSERY / R ECEPTION / S TAGE 1-6 Nursery: Uniform in the Nursery class is the same for girls and boys : navy blue joggers (in the summer navy blue shorts); navy blue sweatshirt with school crest; white polo shirt; plain navy blue coat or anorak; plain black or white trainers with Velcro fastening. Reception girls: navy blue sweatshirt with school crest ; white polo shirt; plain navy blue coat or anorak; sensible black shoes, navy skirt or pinafore, navy tights. In summer: mid blue and white check dress, with white socks. Reception boys: navy blue sweatshirt with school crest; white polo shirt; plain navy blue coat or anorak; sensible black shoes; dark grey flannel type trousers, grey shorts, grey socks. Girls years 1-6: navy blue pleated skirts or pinafore; white blouse; school tie; plain navy blue v neck cardigan; navy tights or white socks; navy blue blazer (optional); sensible black shoes; plain navy blue coat or anorak. In summer: mid blue and white check dress, white socks. A navy blue waterproof jacket with the school crest. Boys Years 1 – 6 : Dark grey flannel type trousers or shorts; white shirt; school tie; navy blue V neck jumper; navy blue blazer (optional); grey socks; sensible black shoes; plain navy blue coat or anorak. In summer: grey shorts and mid blue school polo shirt with school emblem. PE : Reception to Year 6 : Navy blue shorts; navy PE shirt with school logo; navy blue track suit (optional); trainers in a named PE bag. Swimming : Years 3 to 6 Girls: swim suit (navy), towel and blue swimming hat. Years 3 to 6 Boys: swimming trunks (navy), towel and blue swimming hat A suitable bag should be provided to carry these items.

4 S CHOOL MEALS The meals offer good value for money and provide a healthy, balanced diet. There is a 3 choice menu and children are encouraged to try ‘tasters’ of new dishes. Alternatively, children may bring a healthy packed lunch. We encourage the children to make healthy choices and would ask that lunches include fruit and vegetables. Sweets and chocolates are not allowed in school. MILK Our school provides a milk scheme that is available to all of our pupils. School milk is free for all under 5s and for some families on low income. It is subsidised for pupils aged 5 or older at a cost of 22p per 189ml portion. FRUIT We are part of the Healthy Fruit scheme. Children from Nursery through to Year 2 choose from a selection of fresh fruit each day, this is free to the children. Pupils in Key Stage 2 are encouraged to bring fruit to school for a break time snack.

5 S CHOOL CLUBS CLUBS We are a Rights Respecting School Article 31 (Play and leisure time) Every child has the right to play and relax and join in activities. Our Lady Queen of Heaven provides a range of after school clubs, from football and hockey to art and chess. We will aim to offer every child at least one club per term. Clubs run by school staff for the children are free, provided by the staff on a voluntary basis. Clubs run by outside providers, such as football or chess, will incur a charge for parents. Please speak to Mrs Pitcher if you wish to be considered for financial assistance for your child’s club fees. Some clubs will be offered on a half termly basis to one year group at a time to allow more children to participate. For example, cookery could be offered to Year 1 for the first half of the autumn term and to Year 2 for the second half. After school clubs: football; choir; cookery; Spanish; gardening; story box ; cross country; chess; guitar; violin; homework; strictly come dancing; hockey; games; netball; construction; cricket; art; Italian; girl’s football.

6 S UBJECTS religious education literacy numeracy science computing history geography art design and technology music physical education Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) Foundation stage

7 S TAFF Headteacher Deputy headteacher Teaching assistant Nursery nurse Midday supervisor There is only one teacher for one class; this teacher teaches every subject.

8 P ARISH LINKS There is a strong link between the school and the local parishes. Each term begins with a whole school Mass, and each class from Year 1 upward has their own termly Mass to which parents are invited. Foundation Stage has termly prayer circles led by the parish priest and Foundation stage staff. The parish priest of Our Lady and St Peter is one of our school governors. Clergy from the other feeder parishes are invited to events such as the Harvest assembly. Together we help the children to grow in their Catholic Christian faith and help them to understand what it means to be part of the faith community. We welcome children to our school from three parishes: CHRIST THE KING OUR LADY AND ST PETER ST GREGORY’S

9 H OW MANY CHILDREN ? There are about 264 children of all ages in the school The children go from ages 3 to 11 Percentage of boys: 50.4% Percentage of girls: 49.6% Percentage of children with English not as first language: 43.2%

10 A BSCENCES Regular attendance at school is essential for good progress and learning. Please ensure your child arrives on time for the start of each school day. Children who are persistently late or who have poor attendance are likely to fall behind with their work. Certificates and stickers are given out termly to children with high attendance with prizes each summer awarded to the children who achieve 100% attendance. Parents are asked not to arrange holidays during term time. This is very disruptive to your child’s education. Absences for reasons other than illness will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances and authorisation must be requested from the Headteacher in advance. When children cannot attend school due to illness, parents should telephone the school on the first day of absence to let us know the nature of the illness. Please ring the school each day of absence and then send a note on the child's return to school for our records. Where possible, please arrange any medical appointments outside the school day.


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