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Matthew Channon PhD Candidate in Motor Insurance Law at Exeter University.

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1 Matthew Channon PhD Candidate in Motor Insurance Law at Exeter University

2  No single uniform definition  Although one which is commonly used A car which is able to perceive its environment, decide what route to take to its destination, and drive it

3  2025 at the earliest  Some features currently in Vehicles: Park Assist, Cruise Control  Google Car  “not going to be a Big Bang, it’s going to be a series of little steps”- Volvo

4  Many States in the USA have introduced some form of regulation, mainly on the testing of vehicles- Nevada, California and Florida  Spain, Greece and Italy also have some legislation dealing with AV  UK there is currently no regulation on AV  Although “The Pathway to Driverless Cars Summary report and action plan” and Code

5  Eventual Shift from driver liability (Charlton v Fisher) to manufacturer’s liability  Manufacturers will need insurance  USA:  Nevada, California and Florida : $5 Million minimum deposit  Michigan: No minimum insurance requirement for manufacturers but must prove that they can cover for liability

6  Risk will be assessed differently from the driver’s characteristics to the vehicle’s characteristics.

7  Manufacturer’s insurance will not replace driver’s insurance  Questions raised which will need answering:  Cases involving dual responsibility- driver omission but faulty vehicles  Cases involving disabled drivers  Unknown cause of accidents  Conflicts between manufacturer’s insurers and driver’s insurers likely

8 ◦ US regulation is very messy and despite contention otherwise, it is argued that the US needs federal regulation to ensure a consistent approach to liability ◦ Potential for significant barriers to free movement in EU if a consistent approach is not taken ◦ Should take time and careful consideration to ensure that the right approach is taken

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