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Hinduism December 2011 preAP World History By: Stephanie Alpizar, Bonnie Chan and Griffin Hogle.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism December 2011 preAP World History By: Stephanie Alpizar, Bonnie Chan and Griffin Hogle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism December 2011 preAP World History By: Stephanie Alpizar, Bonnie Chan and Griffin Hogle

2 The Beginning No definite beginning/founder/date c 2800 - 2000 BCE Indus Valley civilization forms c 1200 - 900 BCE Early Vedic period c 900 - 600 BCE Late Vedic period c 800 - 300 BCE Upanishads c 500 BCE- 1000 CE Epics and Puranas c 1540 European missionaries c 1800 s Hindu renaissance

3 Sacred Texts 4 Vedas Rig Veda Yajur Veda Atharva Veda SamaVeda Upanishads Puranas Epics -Mahabharata and Ramayana Bhagavad Gita Rig Veda: originally written in Sanskrit

4 Teachings/Beliefs Collaboration of beliefs Karma, “action” Samsara - Reincarnation Moksha/Mukti - goal of liberation Atmam (Individual, Soul) Brahaman (“God”) “Saints” Samsara

5 Practices and Rituals Puja ◦ Daily worship Dharma ◦ religious duties pertaining to family and society Yoga/meditation ◦ “inner self”

6 Practices and Rituals Bhakti ◦ The devotion to a specific god Sacrifices to deities ◦ Braham ◦ Vishnu ◦ Shiva Converting to Hinduism

7 Symbols Om/Aum ◦ Represents the beginning of the world ◦ Not Hindu-specific Temples ◦ Connection of people and gods Swaminarayan Akshardham is the world’s biggest Hindu temple. It is multifaceted and it is located in New Delhi

8 Women’s Roles Written in law books (ex. Dharma Sastras) Benevolent and malevolent Controlled by father then husband Important roles in some rituals More freedoms today

9 Influenced and Influenced By Aryans Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism Christians Persians Non- Mission-izing

10 Influenced: Caste Stystem Four classes -Bhramin -Kshatryia -Viasya -Sudra Untouchables

11 Fun "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.” -Bhagavad gita

12 Citations *Caswell, Thomas. "Hinduism." Regents Exam Prep Center. N.p., 2003. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.. *Infoplease. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.. *Wangu, Madhu Bazaz. Hinduism: World Religions. New York: Brown Publishing, 1991. Print. *"The Rise of Hinduism." The Earth and It's Peoples. USA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2008. 172- 175. Rpt. in A Global History AP Edition. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. *Gaston, Anne-Marie. "Dance and the Hindu Woman: Bharatanatyam Re-ritualized." Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion. By Constantina Rhodes Bailly. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 1999. N. pag. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.. *Bowker, John. "Timeline of Hinduism." Cambridge History of Religions. Cambridge History of Religions ed. 312. Blue Host, n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.. *Ham, Jara Van. Women’s Roles in Hinduism. mahavidya. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2011..

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