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Metro Atlanta Project Delivery Task Force Overview GAMPO Annual Work Session October 29-30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Metro Atlanta Project Delivery Task Force Overview GAMPO Annual Work Session October 29-30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metro Atlanta Project Delivery Task Force Overview GAMPO Annual Work Session October 29-30, 2015

2 PDTF Background

3 “To accelerate Metro-Atlanta transportation project delivery through improved collaboration between transportation planning and project delivery activities.” Proposed Mission Statement

4 Project Expectations by Phase Planning Initial Purpose/Need Preliminary Cost Preliminary Scope Logical Termini Elected Official/Public Expectations Initial ROW Estimate Environmental Screening Project Champion(s) Local Government/ Public/Stakeholder Support Programming Firm Purpose/Need Funding Source(s) Funding Partner(s) Budget Commitment(s) Production Schedule Final Scope Environmental Fatal Flaws Refined ROW estimate Cost Estimate (by phase) Local Government/ Public/Stakeholder Support NEPA/Design Project Funding Agreements Correct Contract Requirements and Certifications Refined ROW estimate NEPA Document/ Class of Action Refined Project Cost (by phase) Funding/Budget Commitments Local Government/ Public/Stakeholder Support

5 Key Topics Identified in 2014 1.Technical Training/Technical Support 2.Early Vetting of Environmental Issues/Data- Sharing 3.Scheduling Protocols and Templates 4.Improved Project Descriptions/Concepts 5.Project Delivery Case Studies 6.ROW/UTIL Review and Coordination

6 7.Scoping Phase Requirements 8.Expediting Project Framework Agreements (PFAs) 9.Changes in Ground Rules After the Project Starts 10.Project Cost Threshold for Federal Aid/Streamlined Process for Small Projects 11.Engaging Elected Officials and Managing Expectations Key Topics Identified in 2014 (Cont’d)

7 Project Delivery Task Force (PDTF) Focus Areas 1.Streamlined Environmental Analysis/Data-Sharing 2.Project Feasibility and Programming 3.Dealing with Change 4.Less Complex Projects 5.Transit Expansion Delivery


9 PDTF Issue Group Strategies

10 Project Programming and Feasibility Screening Phase Funding the Screening Phase Outstanding Issues – Criteria – Process – Requirements

11 Dealing with Change Education and Accountability of Elected Officials and Local Staff Consultant Procurement Waiver Process Project History Documentation Explore Abbreviated PFAs for Studies

12 Limited Scope Projects

13 Problem: When is it not cost effective to use Federal Funds? Strategies: (1)Set funding thresholds, and (2)Implement fund swaps or trades, and flexing

14 Problem: Costly & lengthy ROW process for projects requiring only temp. cst easements Strategies: (1)Revise “3’” rule, (2)Changes to cost estimation tool, (3)More training

15 Problem: NEPA process for CEs take an average of 18 mos. (GDOT est.) to 27 mos. (LCI average) Strategies: Streamline process through programmatic agreements, fund flexing, waiver procedures and/or reduced requirements (when possible), and more.

16 Problem: Extensive plans required for limited scope projects Strategies: Reduce Plan requirements for certain project types, when possible, as is currently the practice for Quick Fix and maintenance projects.

17 Problem: Local gov’ts and even some consultants often lack resources, staff and experience to implement projects. Strategies: Improve local capacity to implement projects through a variety of actions, including training, ARC technical assistance, and advanced planning/scoping

18 Streamlining Environmental Analysis

19 Create/ Refine Joint Environmental Database Streamlined Environmental Analysis Develop Planning Requirement for Environmental Screening  Definition and Process for Screening Being Developed by the Project Feasibility and Programming Group Provide Technical Resources to Help Local Jurisdictions & Create Checklists to Help Local Sponsors to Comply with Environmental Requirements  Focus less on Checklists and More on Mitigation  Strategies to Better Plan Projects (Scope, Schedule, Budget) Develop Process to Build on Environmental Screening in NEPA Analysis  Meeting with Environmental Review Consultants  Update of GDOT OES Manual & Improvements to Internal Tracking

20 For additional information… Jean Hee Barrett Principal Planner – Transportation Access & Mobility Division - Project Implementation and Partner Services 404.463.3282 Kofi Wakhisi Section Supervisor – ARC Transportation Access & Mobility Division - Project Implementation and Partner Services 404.463.3173

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