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Threshold of detection Established according to some criterion.

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Presentation on theme: "Threshold of detection Established according to some criterion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Threshold of detection Established according to some criterion

2 Other terms related to threshold dB HL: Hearing level dB HL: Hearing level dB RETSPL: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure level dB RETSPL: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure level dB SL: Sensation level dB SL: Sensation level

3 Frequency (Hz) dB HL dB RETSPL; ANSI, 1996 (for TDH 49 headphones) 250026.5 500013.5 100007.5 2000011.0 4000010.5 8000013.0 HL to RETSPL conversion (Table 3.2 in textbook) What is the SPL value corresponding to a 20 dB HL 4000 Hz tone? Is this the same for other types of headphones/sound field measurements?

4 Instrumentation Audiometer Audiometer Pure tone Pure tone Speech Speech

5 Pure tone generator AmplifierAttenuator Headphone/ Insert earphone Bone conduction vibrator Interrupter Pure tone audiometer

6 Microphone/ CD/ Tape AmplifierAttenuator Headphone/ Insert earphone Loudspeaker Interrupter VU Meter Amplifier Speech audiometer

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