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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking ( 同儕網路 ) 2012. Lecturer : 江振瑞 TA :黃捷群 黃郁誠 Time: Thursday 9:00~11:50 (9:30~12:00) Place: E6-A203 BlackBoard System:

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Presentation on theme: "Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking ( 同儕網路 ) 2012. Lecturer : 江振瑞 TA :黃捷群 黃郁誠 Time: Thursday 9:00~11:50 (9:30~12:00) Place: E6-A203 BlackBoard System:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking ( 同儕網路 ) 2012

2 Lecturer : 江振瑞 TA :黃捷群 黃郁誠 Time: Thursday 9:00~11:50 (9:30~12:00) Place: E6-A203 BlackBoard System: ( 同儕網路 ) 2/39

3 Course Description This course provides an in-depth examination of advanced topics in peer-to-peer (P2P) networking in which all the peers play symmetric roles (such as both clients and servers). 3/39

4 Course Description The course has two parts:  The first part covers traditional P2P-related topics such as P2P data sharing, P2P resource search, P2P storage, P2P multicast, P2P security, P2P reputation and incentive, P2P censorship-resistance, P2P resource trading, P2P knowledge sharing, P2P networked virtual environments (P2P NVEs), P2P massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), and so on. 4/39

5 Course Description The course has two parts:  The second part covers the topics of integrating P2P technologies into mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), wireless sensor networks (WSNs), vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) self-organizing networks (SONs), etc. 5/39

6 Syllabus Part 1 – Traditional P2P Resource Sharing  P2P Content Sharing - Napster and Gnutella: How to improve Gnutella (  Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) (Chord, CAN, Pastry, Tornado, etc) (Structured-P2P-  P2P Storage Systems (MUREX.ppt)(P2PStorageSystems.ppt)(NFS- AFS.ppt)MUREX.pptP2PStorageSystems.pptNFS- AFS.ppt 6/39

7 Syllabus  Neighborship Consistency for Peer-to-Peer Distributed Virtual Environments (ppt)(pdf)pptpdf  P2P AOI Voice Chatting for MMOGs  Efficient AOI-CAST for P2P MMOGs  Cheat-proof for P2P MMOGs  P2P 3D Scene Streaming: (PeerConnectivity.ppt) (FLoD.ppt)PeerConnectivity.pptFLoD.ppt 7/39

8 Syllabus Part 2 – Integrating P2P concepts into special networks, such as  MANETs  WSNs  VANETs  LET SONs 8/39

9 Some Examples

10 10/39 Napster -- Shawn Fanning

11 11/39 Napster Sharing Style: hybrid center+edge “slashdot” song5.mp3 song6.mp3 song7.mp3 “kingrook” song4.mp3 song5.mp3 song6.mp3 song5.mp3 1. Users launch Napster and connect to Napster server 3. beastieboy enters search criteria 4. Napster displays matches to beastieboy 2. Napster creates dynamic directory from users’ personal.mp3 libraries Title User Speed song1.mp3 beasiteboy DSL song2.mp3 beasiteboy DSL song3.mp3 beasiteboy DSL song4.mp3 kingrook T1 song5.mp3 kingrook T1 song5.mp3 slashdot 28.8 song6.mp3 kingrook T1 song6.mp3 slashdot 28.8 song7.mp3 slashdot 28.8 5. beastieboy makes direct connection to kingrook for file transfer song5 “beastieboy” song1.mp3 song2.mp3 song3.mp3

12 12/39 Gnutella -- Justin Frankel and Tom Pepper

13 13/39 Topology of a Gnutella Network

14 Massively Multiplayer Online Games MMOGs are growing quickly  Multi-billion dollar industry  10 million subscribers for World of Warcraft  600,000 concurrent users

15 15

16 16 Adaptive Computing and Networking Lab, CSIE, NCU

17 17 Adaptive Computing and Networking Lab, CSIE, NCU

18 18/66

19 19

20 Model for NVEs (MMOGs) Many nodes on a 2D plane An avatar needs to know only those within Area of Interest (AOI)‏ ★ : self ▲ : neighbors Area of Interest (AOI)

21 Voronoi Diagram for NVEs (MMOGs) ● node i and the big circle is its AOI ■ enclosing neighbors ▲ boundary neighbors ★ both enclosing and boundary neighbors ▼ normal AOI neighbors ◆ irrelevant nodes

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