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Published byReynard Shields Modified over 9 years ago
CERN 1st October ACEOLE: WP6 From Annex I: “Work package 6 covers research contributions, transfer of knowledge and planning of conferences, workshops and training courses by visiting scientists”. Status and results of milestones and deliverables foreseen in Annex I 1.Organisation of meetings, training courses, conferences and workshops 2.Visiting Scientists 3.Dissemination of results by Researchers.
ConferenceDuration /Freq.Focus Relevant WP EPs* CERN school of Computing 10 day / AnnualTraining young scientists/engineers in information technology 5- Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics 5 day / AnnualMicroelectronics and optoelectronics in physics 1,2,3,45 IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference 6 day / BiennialReal time computing applications in physics, accelerators, medicine and biology 5- IEEE NPSS Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 8 day / AnnualInstrumentation for physics, imaging and space 1,2,3,41.7 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Conference 5 day / every 18 months Informatics in particle and nuclear physics. 53.3 Medipix1 day / TriannualPixel detectors in Medical applications 1- LHC Expts + wrap-upVariableHardware & software in LHC expts.1,2,3,4,53.3 Total13.3 Deliverables in Annex I: Conferences and workshops 3 annual conferences × 1.7 external participant-months = 5 Each conference is 1.7 EPs = 50 days 2 conferences × 1.7 external participant-months = 3.3 Each conference is 1.7 EPs = 50 days 1 conferences, Valencia, 2011
IEEE NSS/MIC IEEE NSS/MIC CHEP Timeline: Conferences and workshops Wrap up LHC exps TWEPP 2009201020112012 ??? Done! Planning
CERN 1st October Organisation of meetings, training courses, conferences and workshops At the 17th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), ACEOLE sponsored the Online Track (80 xITN) and funded 13 bursaries for promising young researchers. Number of Researchers from outside the network = 80 (MS 50) Number of Researcher days from outside the network 40*1 +13*5 = 105 (MS 50) At the Topical Conference on Electronics in Particle Physics (TWEPP 2009). 230 (xITN) scientists attended the workshop. During the Plenary three speakers, invited by ACEOLE, gave talks for 45 minutes. ACEOLE also supported a 3 hour tutorial attended by 37 people and funded 5 bursaries for promising young researchers outside the network. Number of Researchers from outside the network = 230 (MS 50) Number of Researcher days from outside the network = ((230*3*3/4)+(3*37)+(5*40))/8 = 104 (MS 50) Results: Conferences and workshops
CERN 1st October CHEP 2009 Online Track
CERN 1st October Associated Partner Visiting Scientist Visit length (months) W.P. for research & TOK Training topic No. training hours AGHSenior Physicist13 Architectures, performance requirements and limitations to implementing front-end electronics for silicon tracking detectors at the SLHC and/or other relevant topics 10 INESCSenior Engineer24.2 Optical sources (laser diodes, EOM, EAM); Device characterization & fibre optic measurement techniques. Extraction of laser diode parameters. S-parameters/ network analyzer measurements. 6 INESCSenior Engineer12 Redundancy & DFT & BIST techniques of RF, analogue & mixed-signal ASICs; Dynamic characterization of A/D converters. 6 LNL Legnaro Senior Applied Physicist 35 Control and monitoring of large and widely distributed systems. 15 PANalyticalSenior Engineer11 Principles and techniques of x-ray materials analysis using diffraction and fluorescence. 10 SCK.CENSenior Engineer1 + 14.3 Reliability and radiation-tolerance qualification of optoelectronics components for extremely high dose applications 8 UCLSenior Engineer1 2 + 4.1 Network architecture, traffic, switching; Optical networks & topologies, Optical network standards, WDM networks & technologies. Communications circuits and ASIC design. 10 UCLSenior Engineer14.1 Core & access optical networks, Multiplexing technologies, transmission technologies, switching technologies, Devices & implementation, Network performance & measurements, optical networks for radio applications. 10 VTTSenior Engineer24.4Photonic packaging and integration.8 VTT Senior Research Engineer 11 High-density array interconnect technology, Heterogeneous integration by direct silicon wafer bonding 3 Deliverables in Annex I : Visiting Scientists Total “Training hours” = 86Total 15 “Visit Months”
CERN 1st October Two training courses were held by Visiting Scientists. In addition to the Researchers, each course bought in over 50 people outside the network. ACEOLE Training event: The Where, Why and How of Optical Access by Dr. John Mitchell (University College London). (2 hours) ACEOLE Training event: High speed design in a chassis environment, by Joel Goergen (2 hours) So we have 4 out of 86 “Training Hours”... But the EC paid for and expects 15 “Visit Months” and so far we have 0! New rules (which may help): Visiting Scientists may come from anywhere but must cover the topics in Annex I. We have to get more “Visit Months” !! Results: Visiting Scientists
CERN 1st October During the reporting period 46 reports have been written by the researchers. ATelesca_AdvancedStornextFileSystem_10-11Mar2009.pdfATelesca_AdvancedStornextFileSystem_10-11Mar2009.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Adriana Telesca ATelesca_CSC2009.pdf 04/09/2009 11:58 Adriana Telesca ATelesca_IEEE_RT09NPSS_Conference_10-15May2009.pdf 09/06/2009 10:41 Adriana Telesca ATelesca_QlogicFCSpecialist_17- 19Feb2009.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Adriana Telesca ATelesca_StornextFileSystem_13-15Jan2009.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Adriana Telesca Bochenek_Feb2009_ISSCC2009.pdf 16/09/2009 15:46 Michal Bochenek Bochenek_Jun2009_LP-LVAnalogICDesign.pdf 16/09/2009 15:46 Michal Bochenek Bochenek_Mar2009_ACES2009.pdf 18/09/2009 16:40 Michal Bochenek Bochenek_May2009_ESI2009.pdf 16/09/2009 15:46 Michal Bochenek Bochenek_Nov2008_OpAmps_TheoryAndDesign.pdf 17/09/2009 19:15 Michal Bochenek CardosoJP Report EPFL 28Jun-01Jul- 2009.pdf 07/08/2009 14:11 Robert McLaren GarnierJ_20090123_FTOSCourse.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Jean-Christophe Garnier GarnierJ_20090409_CHEP09.pdf 28/06/2009 20:35 Jean-Christophe Garnier GarnierJ_20090628_IEEERT09.pdf 28/06/2009 20:34 Jean- Christophe Garnier HVersmissen_12Aug09_Meeting-Report-VTT-Oulu.pdf 25/08/2009 15:38 Hans Versmissen McLarenR_2009.04.02_Trip_report_from_CHEP_2009.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Robert McLaren NeufeldGarnier_20090429_PH-ESE-F10- Seminar.pdf 26/05/2009 19:21 Jean-Christophe Garnier Plackett 20081114 Travel_Report_Organisation.docx 25/09/2009 12:07 Richard Plackett Plackett 20081114 travel_report_Secondment.doc 25/09/2009 12:07 Richard Plackett Plackett 20090914 VERTEX09 Visit.docx 25/09/2009 12:44 Richard Plackett Plackett 20090921 TWEPP09 Visit.docx 25/09/2009 14:30 Richard Plackett SavuD_2009.02.10-13_Course-CA-Spectrum.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Dan Octavian Savu SavuD_2009.02.23-27_Course-Force10-FTOS.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Dan Octavian Savu SavuD_2009.03.01-10_Visit-MasterAndMIVImagingVentureLaboratory.pdf 07/05/2009 02:25 Dan Octavian Savu SavuD_2009.03.23- 27_Conference-CHEP.pdf 27/07/2009 02:01 Dan Octavian Savu Sseifeln_RADECs_2009_Travel_Report.docx 22/09/2009 16:30 Sarah Seif El Nasr ssilva_brief_tech_report_20090116.pdf 07/07/2009 18:48 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva SSilva_End_of_Fellowship_20090831.pdf 31/08/2009 17:08 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_icton2009_20090415c.pdf 27/07/2009 18:18 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_Laser_RIN_20090724.pdf 03/09/2009 17:21 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_ofc2009_report_20090403.pdf 07/07/2009 18:48 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_Report_D421_20090813.pdf 04/09/2009 13:34 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_Report_D422_20090724.pdf 03/09/2009 17:22 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_secondment_report_20090116.pdf 07/07/2009 18:47 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_secondment_report_20090403.pdf 07/07/2009 18:47 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva ssilva_twepp09_paper_ssilva_20090828_draft.docx 04/09/2009 13:33 Sergio Dos Santos Barbosa Oliveira Da Silva Timo Tick - 05082009 Preliminary feasibility study.pdf 05/08/2009 15:13 Timo Tick Timo Tick - 1212108 LTCC technology introduction.pdf 05/08/2009 15:13 Timo Tick Timo Tick - 220709 BGA interconnection test plan.pdf 05/08/2009 15:13 Timo Tick Timo Tick - Trip report ETCT2009 San Diego.docx 12/06/2009 11:43 Timo Tick Timo Tick_Sami Vahanen - 05082009 Optimized TSV process flow.pdf 05/08/2009 15:15 Timo Tick Timo Tick_Sami Vahanen_Michael Cambpell - 200109Through Silicon Via (TSV) - work plan.pdf 05/08/2009 15:15 Timo Tick YLHwong_CHEP2009_23- 27mar2009.pdf 03/04/2009 15:12 Yi Ling Hwong YLHwong_IEEERT2009_10-15May2009.pdf 26/07/2009 22:17 Yi Ling Hwong YLHwong_Trip Report TUE Eindhoven_3-7Aug2009.pdf 25/08/2009 13:46 Yi Ling Hwong.ATelesca_CSC2009.pdfATelesca_IEEE_RT09NPSS_Conference_10-15May2009.pdfATelesca_QlogicFCSpecialist_17- 19Feb2009.pdfATelesca_StornextFileSystem_13-15Jan2009.pdf Bochenek_Feb2009_ISSCC2009.pdfBochenek_Jun2009_LP-LVAnalogICDesign.pdfBochenek_Mar2009_ACES2009.pdfBochenek_May2009_ESI2009.pdfBochenek_Nov2008_OpAmps_TheoryAndDesign.pdfCardosoJP Report EPFL 28Jun-01Jul- 2009.pdfGarnierJ_20090123_FTOSCourse.pdf GarnierJ_20090409_CHEP09.pdfGarnierJ_20090628_IEEERT09.pdfHVersmissen_12Aug09_Meeting-Report-VTT-Oulu.pdf McLarenR_2009.04.02_Trip_report_from_CHEP_2009.pdfNeufeldGarnier_20090429_PH-ESE-F10- Seminar.pdfPlackett 20081114 Travel_Report_Organisation.docx Plackett 20081114 travel_report_Secondment.docPlackett 20090914 VERTEX09 Visit.docxPlackett 20090921 TWEPP09 Visit.docxSavuD_2009.02.10-13_Course-CA-Spectrum.pdfSavuD_2009.02.23-27_Course-Force10-FTOS.pdf SavuD_2009.03.01-10_Visit-MasterAndMIVImagingVentureLaboratory.pdfSavuD_2009.03.23- 27_Conference-CHEP.pdfSseifeln_RADECs_2009_Travel_Report.docxssilva_brief_tech_report_20090116.pdf SSilva_End_of_Fellowship_20090831.pdfssilva_icton2009_20090415c.pdfssilva_Laser_RIN_20090724.pdfssilva_ofc2009_report_20090403.pdf ssilva_Report_D421_20090813.pdfssilva_Report_D422_20090724.pdfssilva_secondment_report_20090116.pdfssilva_secondment_report_20090403.pdf ssilva_twepp09_paper_ssilva_20090828_draft.docxTimo Tick - 05082009 Preliminary feasibility study.pdfTimo Tick - 1212108 LTCC technology introduction.pdf Timo Tick - 220709 BGA interconnection test plan.pdfTimo Tick - Trip report ETCT2009 San Diego.docxTimo Tick_Sami Vahanen - 05082009 Optimized TSV process flow.pdfTimo Tick_Sami Vahanen_Michael Cambpell - 200109Through Silicon Via (TSV) - work plan.pdfYLHwong_CHEP2009_23- 27mar2009.pdfYLHwong_IEEERT2009_10-15May2009.pdfYLHwong_Trip Report TUE Eindhoven_3-7Aug2009.pdf Dissemination of results by Researchers (No milestones for this point).
CERN 1st October Extra on-the-job project management training 6 month meeting (convenors) 12 month meeting (convenor) Poster session (Organiser) International TDAQ school (Instructors)
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