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A STUDY IN CHARACTER DEFICIENCY. Giving others the right to make decisions Pilate tried to avoid making the decision? Deferring to Herod (Lk.23:6-7) Using.

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2 Giving others the right to make decisions Pilate tried to avoid making the decision? Deferring to Herod (Lk.23:6-7) Using the custom of releasing a prisoner(Lk.23:17- 24; Mk.15:15) Instructing the Jews to judge Him (Jn.18:29-32; 19:6) Ways we allow others to make decisions for us: 1)Being Silent2) Lack of Involvement Does our silence or lack of involvement effect our responsibility?

3 “What then shall I do with Jesus…” (Mt.27:22) What some have tried to do… Like Pilate, pass the choice on to others (Mt.27:24) Some will mock & ridicule (Acts 17:32) Some are waiting for a “better time” (Acts 24:25) What should we do with Jesus? Accept Him & obey Him (Heb.5:9) Walk in Him & be estab. in the faith (Col.2:6-7) Put Him first in everything we do (Phil.3:7) A person who allows others to make decisions for them lacks good character.

4 Seeking to please the people Mk.15:15 “So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas…” (Mk.15:15) In what ways did he please the people? Gave in to their demands (Lk.23:23-24) Feared making the Jews mad (Mt.27:24-25) Feared punishment by Caesar (Jn.19:12-13) A person who compromises justice & truth lacks good character.

5 Seeking to please the people What typically causes us to do what pleases others? Fear of what others might think-Jn.9:22; 12:42-43 Fear of being politically incorrect or religiously intolerant –Gal.2:11-13 Fear of losing acceptance among others –Jn.7:10-13 When is it acceptable to do what pleases others? Only when God’s word is not compromised(Rom.14:19)

6 Refusing to take Responsibility Mt.27:24 Pilate had authority to make decisions (Jn.19:10) 3 times he declared Jesus’ innocence(Lk23:4,14,22) Wanted Herod to make a decision (Lk23:6-7) He washed his hands to symbolize he was not a party to their decision (Mt.27:24) A person who fails to take responsibility or act responsibly lacks good character.

7 Refusing to take Responsibility Examples of difficult & unpleasant decisions common to Christians that we would sometimes like to wash away. Putting away certain sinful practices we enjoy Loving our enemies Teaching the lost Confronting another Christian who has sinned ?????? How are we effected when we refuse to take responsibility? James 4:17

8 No concern for the Truth Jn.18:37-38 “What is truth?” –Jn.18:38 Pilate ignored truth for what was beneficial to him Or He doubted the existence of real Truth Regardless, his actions indicated no interest in learning the truth offered by Jesus (vs.38) A person who shows no interest in the Truth lacks good character.

9 No Concern for the Truth Value of being interested in the Truth Prov.3:13-18 ; Mt.13:44-46 How can we show interest for the Truth? Appreciate the value of the Truth (Prov.23:23) Know the Truth (Jn.8:32) Obey the Truth (1Pet.1:22) Love the Truth (2Thess.2:10)

10 Motivated by Pride? Pilate wanted to release Jesus, not necessarily because it was the right thing to do, but because he knew it would anger the Jews (Mk.15:9-10). Apparently, he didn’t care about justice, Jesus, or the Jews; but only what was good for him. The Danger of Pride Prov.16:18; Mk.7:21-23; 1Jn.2:15-17 Importance of Humility Jam.4:6; Prov.18:12; Isa.57:15; Mic.6:8 A person who is motivated by pride lacks good character.

11 The Importance of Character Character of the Wicked Character of the Righteous Motivated by Pride Unconcerned about Truth Fails to take Responsibility Seeks to please others Follows Decisions of others Demonstrates Humility Desires to know the Truth Takes Responsibility Seeks to please God Makes own Decisions How would your Character be described by God?

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