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Eight Massachusetts Commercial and Medicaid Health Plans 1700 Provider Practices with QuitWorks Kits 22 Hospitals, 12 community health center sites,

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3 Eight Massachusetts Commercial and Medicaid Health Plans 1700 Provider Practices with QuitWorks Kits 22 Hospitals, 12 community health center sites, 14 Harvard Vanguard centers, 144 WIC and Women’s Health Network sites All patients who use tobacco regardless of health insurance Proactive telephone counseling @ Try-To-STOP TOBACCO Resource Center Linking:

4 In Time of Uncertain Funding: The Value of Quitline Partnerships Helpline Quarterly Client Volume Smokers/Quitters (without NRT pilot) 04/02-03/05 n Total n= 12,269 for 12 quarters reported. QuitWorks enrollments (n= 6,127) + Self Referred (n= 6,142). n Self Referred total includes tobacco users (smokers/quitters) and repeat callers and 1,611 cases from the Ready, Set, Quit Pilot Project (3/21-3/31/05). Cases with abbreviated intakes and proxy/professional callers are NOT included in client data.

5 Results: Service Utilization Total Clients 36 Mos 4/02-3/31/05 Total Clients13,273 Self referred5,539 QuitWorks enrollees 6,123 NRT Pilot (2 weeks)1,611 FY O5 Year To Date (9 mos) Total Clients5, 917 Self Referred1,854 QuitWorks 2,452 NRT Pilot (2 weeks)1,611

6 Working with Health Care Strive for a universally-endorsed system Integrate quitline fax-referral into all existing systems- Keep it simple: 2As Ask-Arrange Provide on-site detailing and provider training to hospitals and health centers Provide feedback reports

7 What Worked Health Plans —Get all major plans to buy in to a single system —Define roles clearly from the outset: MDPH provides counseling; Health plans provide medications, promote QuitWorks and pay for feedback reporting —Co-own and co-brand QuitWorks; partners meeting quarterly to monitor and improve.

8 What Worked H ospitals -JACHO is the incentive + champion MDs (pulmonologists; respiratory therapists) -Works best where there is a team or dedicated, responsible person to oversee system (e.g. Respiratory Therapists) -Hospitals all report strongly enthusiasm with QuitWorks system--easy to use; keeps smoking and cessation ever-present, helps meet JACHO

9 What Worked Community Health Centers -Demonstration program with competitive application and press release -Provided free on-site presentation, detailing and provider training -Need to adapt QW services for cultural and linguistic minorities

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