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WRMS PBIS ROAR. PBIS Expectations and Rules R-Respect self and others O- Observe Safety A-Allow Learning R-Responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "WRMS PBIS ROAR. PBIS Expectations and Rules R-Respect self and others O- Observe Safety A-Allow Learning R-Responsibility."— Presentation transcript:


2 PBIS Expectations and Rules R-Respect self and others O- Observe Safety A-Allow Learning R-Responsibility

3 R-Respect self and others Address class and peers with RESPECT. Use appropriate language. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself. O-Observe Safety Help keep room clean. Voice level 0 (no more than level 2-Teacher directed). A-Allow Learning Focus on Learning. Be positive. Refrain from disruptions. Voice level 0. R-Responsibility Be prepared Do own work assigned by Teachers Listen and follow directions.

4 R-Respect self and others Practice good manners. O-Observe safety Clean up after yourself. A-Allow Learning Listen to adults directions. Lunch line: Voice level 0. Table area: Voice level 2. R-Responsibility Pay for all items.

5 R-Respect self and others Keep hands, feet & other objects to yourself. O-Observe safety Keep hallway clean. Keep restroom clean and free of graffiti. A-Allow Learning Travel quietly and have a signed planner. Voice level 2. R-Responsibility Use restroom for intended purposes and report abuse. GET TO CLASS ON TIME!!

6 R-Respect self and others Promptly enter and exit premises. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself. Wear appropriate clothing to meet RCS dress code. BUS-Stay seated. O-Observe safety Move through the hallways in an orderly fashion. Observe Bus rules. Quiet at RR crossings. A-Allow Learning Arrive to class on time and prepared BUS-Voice level 2. Talk to those near you R-Responsibility Public display of affection is prohibited. BUS-Keep bus clean.

7 Can you name some places at school you should use these voice levels? Level 0 (No talking) Level 1 (Whisper) Level 2 (Conversation voice) Level 3 (Presenter’s voice) Pay Attention to all signs posted throughout the school

8 Eyes on Speaker Be Quiet Be Still Hands Free (put things down) Listen

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