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United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BOLD ALLIGATOR 13 Concept Development Conference Outbrief OVERALL: UNCLASSIFIED.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BOLD ALLIGATOR 13 Concept Development Conference Outbrief OVERALL: UNCLASSIFIED."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BOLD ALLIGATOR 13 Concept Development Conference Outbrief OVERALL: UNCLASSIFIED

2 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command Attending Commands USFF (incl Reserve component) MARFORCOM (incl Reserve component) CTF 20 II MEF / 2d MEB CSFTL MSTP ESG-2 EWTGL TTGL II MEF SIM DTCL CJOS COE EWCT MSCLANT CTF 24 NMAWC ETG USAF USCG 2

3 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 CDC Objectives Review BA11 and BA12 assessments and lessons identified Review and refine draft BA13 Event Initiating Directive and Exercise Directive Identify preliminary external support requirements –Assets, facilities, SME augmentation, staffs Identify desired joint and coalition participants Identify key processes, syndicates and leads Determine level, scope and potential experiment integration Establish MSEL structure to include identifying MSEL manager Review and refine exercise planning schedule timeline Determine key issues for resolution and way ahead 3

4 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 CDC Outcomes Proposed BA13 Event Initiating Directive forwarded to OSEs for approval Concurrence on OCE Exercise Directive content Initial identification of BA13 supporting requirements – Facilities, Commands, SME Augmentation, desired participant commands –OPRs for key processes Identify desired participants BA13 POA&M –Calendar of events –Defined deadlines for products with assigned OPRs BA13 POC list 4

5 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 Exercise Design/Support product listing BA13 Event Initiating Directive (OSE) - post CDC –Provides broad exercise guidance –Establishes exercise Roles and Responsibilities BA13 Exercise Directive (OCE) - pre FPC –Part I: Exercise admin and instructions –Part II: Exercise scenario background and orders –Part III: Exercise evaluation, analysis and reports BA13 Exercise Control Book (EXCON) - post FPC –EXCON, mentors and trusted agents 5

6 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 Event Initiating Directive Message format from OSEs (USFF & MARFORCOM) Commanders’ Intent –BA13 will be a synthetic scenario-driven exercise designed to refine ESG-2 and 2d MEB staffs’ ability to plan and execute MEB-sized amphibious operations from a Seabase in a medium threat environment to improve Naval amphibious core competency. –For this exercise, medium threat will be defined as conventional and asymmetric enemy capabilities that will adapt to US/Coalition operations, challenge our dominance in the littorals, and integrate to achieve a limited A2/AD capability. These threats will require the effective application and integration of air, surface, subsurface and mine warfare capabilities to ensure sea superiority and access within the JOA. –BA13 will enable an assessment of Naval Amphibious Operations within the Single Naval Battle context that includes the full spectrum of warfighting capabilities and Seabase sustainment assets –ENDSTATE: An increased Naval amphibious capability within the context of a greater Naval force package that includes the full spectrum of warfighting capabilities and Seabase sustainment assets. 6 More detail will be needed to define this threat level

7 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 Event Initiating Directive Exercise Objectives –Continue to enhance the relationship between II MEF and the Atlantic Fleet to maintain an optimum naval operational capability. –Demonstrate the capabilities and potential for naval and joint force projection and sustainment from a Seabase while identifying the associated DOTMLPF deficiencies and implications these operations pose for naval forces. –Demonstrate effective command, control, integration, and interoperability with joint, multi-national forces and inter-agency partners in large scale amphibious operations. –Continue to refine supporting/supported command relationships and composite warfare doctrine for amphibious operations within a joint campaign. –Integrate Experimentation and other initiatives to enhance future Naval Force capabilities without impacting training. 7

8 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 Event Initiating Directive Primary Training Audiences –ESG-2, 2d MEB, CSG Scenario construct –CTF-20 and CG II MEF validate the requirement for staffs and ships for a 10 day Fleet Synthetic Training event currently scheduled from 22 Apr 2013 to 01 May 2013. 8

9 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 CDC Scenario Summary Single execution window, maximizing platform integration and pier side participation –D-4 to D+5 (ATF/LF in theater assigned.1/.2) –Scenario runs 24 hours / 10 hour active Sim window Amethyst Island: 700nm from Treasure Coast –Level III capability / ‘Get Well’ location –Advanced Logistics Site / Viable force location Road to Crisis –Garnetian advance into Amber FEO against an appropriately sized Garnetian force (force ratio) –Asymmetric threat MEB-solution and not a precursor for follow-on forces 9

10 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command BA13 CDC Scenario Summary Blue Forces –NEF: less established in theater or arrive with ATF/LF –MIW: integral part of planning and execution challenges USS Ponce for MIW support –NSW, CFACC: reduce from BA12 to match immature theater –MPF shipping in theater: No Designation of extra-theater MPSRON: Yes –CSG: established in theater at startex –Representative East Coast Amphib fleet ARG/MEU: East Coast ARG MEU and West Coast ARG/MEU –No hospital ship –USA XVIII Airborne Corp (1 Bn) within LF –USCG: PSU, investigating USCGC hook-up capability 10

11 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command CTF 951 CFLCC EASTCOM (JECG) CTG 955.0 CSG CTF 955 CFMCC CTF 958 JSOTF-TC CTF 959 CFACC/CAOC CTG 955.1 ATF CTG 955.2 LF CTG 955.3 LOG TF CTG 955.4 TASW CTG 955.9 CSG #2 2d MEB (CLF) MEU? RLT 2? MAG 29? CLR 25? XVIII Airborne Corp? Coalition forces/staff Response Cell T-AO T-AKE Coalition forces Response Cell NMAWC? MCMRON 3? USS Ponce MH-53s EODMUs? Joint forces ESG-2 (CATF) CDS ??? East Coast L-Class CRUDES T-AVB MSC SUB? ARG? NEF Joint forces Coalition forces/staff AMBER/AMBERLAND COUNTRY TEAMS (JECG) CTF 24 T-AGOS SUBs CRUDES? CSG XX? CVW X? CDS XX? CVN CRUDES Coalition TG? CTG 955.7 MPRG CTG 955.5 MIW Response Cell CPRW-11? P-3C (AIP?) P-8 Adjusted CDC Exercise Force List? COALITION FORCE HEADQUARTERS UN WFP IMO BLUE FONT – USN GREEN FONT – USMC PURPLE FONT – JOINT ORANGE FONT – COALITION BLUE FONT – USN GREEN FONT – USMC PURPLE FONT – JOINT ORANGE FONT – COALITION CSG-10? CVW-3? CDS 22? CVN CRUDES Response Cell SOCOM MARSOC CJTF 950 Response Cell USAF support? White Cell 11 Leadership Trusted Agents MAOC

12 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command 13 APR 12-13 APR Strategic Level Documents 15-19 OCT 7-10 MAY 27-29 MAR Event Initiating Directive Published / USFF/MFC mtg 11-14 SEP 26-29 JUL Strategic Level Documents OLW OPT #1 MPC #1 / MSEL Development Conference TLW OPT #1 2 MAR Pre-CDC VTC CDC BA13 Exercise Planning Major Events Timeline 24 MAY IPR 6-9 SEP OLW OPT #2 4-7 DEC MPC #2 / MSEL Development Conference 31 AUG IPR 28 SEP OSE Qtrly Update / BA13 Exercise Directive Part II TLW OPT #2 29 OCT – 02 NOV 30 NOV IPR 29 JUN OSE Quarterly Update 14 DEC OSE Quarterly Update TLW Orders Crosswalk JAN 13 late FEB 13 FPC / MSEL Conference 1 week prior FAST cruise / ROC drill BA13 Execution within 1 week HOTWASH Final Ex Report + 3 months 27 APR IPR 19-22 JUN IPC / MSEL Development Conference 12 22 Apr-01 May 29 JUN IPR 27 JUL IPR Considerations: 1.Schedule may adjust depending on execution dates 2.Add Symposia 3.OSE Quarterly Update in Feb/Mar 13? Considerations: 1.Schedule may adjust depending on execution dates 2.Add Symposia 3.OSE Quarterly Update in Feb/Mar 13? Norfolk CLNC VTC Complete Norfolk CLNC VTC Complete Dated: 28 Mar 12 29 MAR 13 OSE Quarterly Update

13 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command Pre-IPC coordination –Syndicate Lead assignments and preparation: CSFTL –Determination of key CFMCC staff leads: USFF/MFC –Exercise Directive assignments: CSFTL Main Body: CSFTL Part I thru Part III: tasking distributed –Coordinate Single Naval Battle Brief for IPC: CSFTL –Coordinate with USA XVIII Airborne Corp: II MEF 13 Key Issues & Way Ahead

14 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command 14 Key Issues & Way Ahead

15 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command 15 Key Issues & Way Ahead

16 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command Key Issues & Way Ahead Preliminary IPC Objectives and tasks –Review Event Initiating Directive and draft Exercise Directive –Review requirements, tasks and POA&M –Confirm HQs / forces level and scope of participation –Review planning situation and theater information requirements –Assess IM/KM structure / data population –Assess external training support requirements (Identify POCs for components) –Assess requirements for augmentation and support for TA –Assess evaluation, observation and analysis requirements –Assess experiment integration and training requirements –Assess EXCON manning and resources (Identify names for EXCON) 16

17 United States Fleet Forces Marine Forces Command Key Issues & Way Ahead Preliminary IPC Objectives and tasks (cont’d) –Determine CFMCC training & OLW OPT plan –Assess Interface of M&S Tools with Operational C2IS Assess CIS resources and connectivity (C5I topology) –Assess Augmentation and External Support –Determine Requirements for IO/NGO Participation/Support –Draft the STARTEX Conditions for Collective Training (Crisis Action Planning and Exercise Conduct) –Establish ESMD shell –Consolidate requirements and issue tasking –Establish Points of Contact for all participating organizations –Determine key issues for resolution and way ahead 17

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