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Anaerobic Digestion at Wastewater Treatment Plants Regulatory Issues Bureau of Resource Protection April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Anaerobic Digestion at Wastewater Treatment Plants Regulatory Issues Bureau of Resource Protection April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anaerobic Digestion at Wastewater Treatment Plants Regulatory Issues Bureau of Resource Protection April 2011

2 Goals PRIMARY ◦ Effluent that meets permit limits ◦ Proper operation of treatment (AD) unit ◦ Minimize nuisance potential ◦ Promote beneficial reuse of wastewater residuals SECONDARY ◦ Optimize energy production ◦ Secure consistent municipal revenue stream

3 Regulatory Changes Revisions to 314 CMR 12.00 – Operation & Maintenance Regulations ◦ Allow a POTW to accept SSO at sludge-only anaerobic digesters with Department approval ◦ Clarify requirement for Department approval of the O&M Manual ◦ New reporting requirements for SSO

4 Approval Process Submission of Engineering Report ◦ Design criteria, disposition of residuals, certification Operational & Maintenance Manual Revisions ◦ Add facilities, changes to existing facilities, schedules, staffing changes Reporting Requirements ◦ Maintain adequate records of source & volume of approved SSO

5 Additional Considerations Training Program for operators QA/QC Program Contingency Plan

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