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 Building Committees  What is SBL/G?  Why SBL/G?  History of SBL/G at MPS  Where is Each Building at with SBL/G?  Pros of SBL/G  Cons or Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: " Building Committees  What is SBL/G?  Why SBL/G?  History of SBL/G at MPS  Where is Each Building at with SBL/G?  Pros of SBL/G  Cons or Challenges."— Presentation transcript:


2  Building Committees  What is SBL/G?  Why SBL/G?  History of SBL/G at MPS  Where is Each Building at with SBL/G?  Pros of SBL/G  Cons or Challenges of SBL/G

3  Park Side : Jackie Budden, Erica Hess, Cheryl Hoff, Maggie Jans, Darci Love, Kathy Nielsen, Emily Carrol, Amy Peterson, Sue Strautz, Tracy Zahnow  West Side : Emily Hoppe, Bob Jacobson, Julie Kuecker, Michael Weiss, Jeremy Williams  Middle School : Sandy Carpenter, Lori Dyce, Jeff Hansen, Jennifer Kimman, Cody Lunde, Theresa McCoy, Amber Meulebroeck, Emily Pollock, Stefanie Scarset, Mary Kay Thomas  High School : Karrie Alberts, Tony Alberts, Sue Bowen, Brydie DeMuth, Neenah Eben, Nicole Jans, Brian Jones, Holly Knudson, Kari Meyer, Nicole Peterson

4  A system that attempts to provide an accurate analysis of what a student knows and is able to do in regards to identified standards.  A system aimed at providing more accurate communication to students, parents, and other teachers in regards to what a student knows and is able to do.

5  Gradebooks are a more accurate portrayal of what a student knows and is able to do.  Behavior, attitude, and participation, while important, are separate from an academic grade.

6  Homework (Practice) is not calculated as part of the academic grade.  If a student fails to demonstrate mastery of an essential standard, additional instruction, practice, and assessment occurs.

7  To accurately communicate to parents and students what a student knows and can do based on Essential Standards  Based on research and best practice  To provide greater consistency and reliability in grades and across classrooms

8  A focus on Essential Standards  A focus on learning (as opposed to teaching)  Reassessing allows students extended opportunities

9  Committee Work  Implementation  Evaluation

10  Committee Work  Implementation  Evaluation

11  Committee Work  Implementation  Evaluation

12  15-16 – Committee Work  16-17 – Identify Elements for Implementation  17-18 – Departmental Pilot  18-19 – Implementation

13  Increased knowledge of the standards  Grades are reflective of standards  Accurately reflects student skills and knowledge  Provides detailed information regarding student performance (e.g., Tiger Traits)  More accurate reporting

14  Change  Educating Stakeholders  Campus/Gradebook  SPED/EL  College entrance and scholarship requirements at the HS level


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