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Musculoskeletal System

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Presentation on theme: "Musculoskeletal System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Musculoskeletal System
Allows for movement!

2 How muscles and bones allow movement

3 Vocab Antagonistic pairs: muscles work in pairs with opposite functions Flexion (contraction) Extension (relaxation)

4 Terms Muscle: contractile tissue Tendon: attaches muscle to bone
Ligaments: hold bones together Joint: place where bones come together Cartilage: protects bones at joints

5 3 Types of Muscle Cells

6 How does a muscle know when to move?
Neuromuscular junction—acetylcholine neurons release neurotransmitters to signal muscle contraction

7 How do muscles move? Sliding filament theory:
Myosin (thick filament) pulls on Actin (thin filament) causing each sarcomere (muscle unit) to contract Lots of ATP is needed for this to happen!

8 Identify the role of ATP and Calcium ions in control

9 Rigor Mortis

10 Bones Skeletal System Protects organs Allows for movement
Produces blood cells Bone Marrow

11 Bones and Calcium

12 Osteoporosis Osteoblasts Osteoclasts Build Bone Release Calcium
*Building bone process stops when you age *Why would it be important for older adults to take supplements of calcium?

13 Activity We will dissect a chicken wing to model the role of the musculoskeletal system!

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