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CCSSM Formative Assessment Task Due Date March 5, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CCSSM Formative Assessment Task Due Date March 5, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCSSM Formative Assessment Task Due Date March 5, 2013

2 Purpose of the Project This project will assess student understanding of a specific standard. This will be accomplished by administering a worthwhile mathematical task and examining student work from that task.

3 Project Overview Grade level groups select a domain and standard. Grade levels choose a common task. Individually administer the common task. Examine the student work. Individually write a paper detailing what you learned.

4 Getting Started Form grade level groups. Reread the OA or NF or RP standards at your grade level. Decide on a cluster/ standard(s) from which you will choose a worthwhile mathematical task.

5 The Importance of Open Tasks Differences in student approaches and appropriate feedback underscore the need for a teacher to know where his or her students are developmentally to be able to meet each one’s educational needs. The goal is to remove barriers to learning while still challenging each student to take risks and responsibility for learning. --Karp & Howell, 2004

6 Considerations for tasks Is the problem open? – A question is open when it is framed in such a way that a variety of responses or approaches are possible. Does the problem have multiple entry points? Keeping in mind the various entry points, what do you expect students to do? Are there multiple pathways to find a correct answer?

7 What’s the Math? Identify the important mathematics in the standard. Explore resources for an open response item that could be adapted to assess the math that was identified.

8 Resources for Tasks Georgia Standards: Smarter Balanced Released Items: smt-sbac-math-gr3-sample-items.pdf Illustrative Math:

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