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Introduction to UConnect

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1 Introduction to UConnect
Connecting with Universities Presented by City Date

2 What is Uconnect? An effort to connect with universities, colleges, training institutions Introduction of Sahaj Marg at the end Long term engagement with the institutes Help engender a “culture of spirituality” in these institutions Through a program called “Self Development Program or SDP”

3 Self Development Program (SDP) in context of Spirituality and a Practical Approach
Course on various aspects of values, yoga, religion, meditation, self management Courses of different lengths and duration Emphasizing practical experience - ALWAYS During the course, introduce the idea of starting a systematic practice

4 Mission Statement To offer the youth of this country an aspirational set of values to live by; to help them achieve a balanced life focused on a spiritual goal and an ethical material life; and to contribute to nation building.

5 Objectives Better understanding of various philosophies and respect for various religions Inspired and self motivated to pursue a balanced life Develop a deep interest in a Spiritual Sadhana Honest and capable students with hopes of a better India and humanity

6 The Approach Open minded and Secular Caring and Inspiring
Focus on Self Development Less Academic, Intellectual or Argumentative Importance of practice and personal experience Sahaj Marg as one of the systems – Voluntary

7 UConnect Org Chart

8 Roles and Responsibilities
Responsibility UConnect Director Overall concept design, strategies, continuity and expansion Continuous involvement to keep the program dynamic and lively Back office support & PMO Support Curriculum and Content design Tracker UConnect activities thru reports and trackers Regional Co-ordinator/ZIC/CIC Should be informed and involved in all UConnect Activities in Zone/Center Logistics, Communication and Resource mobilization Formation of support teams Training of the teams Maintaining harmony in the groups Ongoing guidance to teams and the work Local Co-ordinators Organize, help train and motivate the team Help in the sound execution Help create efficiency and maintain harmony Study this slide in advance and speak to it by emphasising a few bullets each

9 Roles and Responsibilities
Responsibility Facilitators Single point of contact for the institute, speaker and local co-ordinator Is present in all classes Start and end the class Conduct Survey and explain result of survey in the next class Build Good rapport with institute for future programs Trouble shoot- presence of mind Class Co-ordinators/ Group co-ordinators One co-ordinator for each group of participants Distribution of hand-outs if any Improving participation and Leading Group activities Off-class room activities Collect survey response Speakers Deliver the assigned topic with the help of ppt. Be interactive Encourage participate Manage miscreants IT Support Previewing the auditorium, Microphone check, Scheduling, calling Prefects Give introductory sittings & conduct Satsangh Work constantly & Prayerfully

10 UConnect Process

11 Step 1: Approaching the Universities
Explore natural referrals University Contacts thru abhyasis Prepare the ppt ‘What is Uconnect’ and SDP Meet the Decision makers Explain the ppt Give the Executive Summary document Explain benefits of the course

12 Step 1: Approaching the Universities
To Students: Clarity of thought, vision Ability to cope better – Particularly Stress Well rounded, Balanced Existence To University: Better Results Better placements Better Citizens

13 Step 1: Approaching the Universities
If university agrees: Give format for Letter of Invitation to SRCM (Prescribed format only) Gather requirement on Requirement Doc (Prescribed format only) Forward the requirement doc to the UConnect Team Propose Curriculum to the university Finalize date and speakers for each class Fill Bio-data forms for each speaker and submit to Uconnect Team ( sample form available at FTP)

14 Step 1: Approaching the Universities
EXPECTATIONS FROM INSTITUTE (FACILITATOR TO ENSURE) A lecture hall with multi media capability A library with Self Development Books, audios and videos A Meditation room where students and faculty can retreat when there is no class and need for quiet time Integrating the curriculum into the time table with 1 – 2 hours a week for 10 – 20 weeks May be offered voluntarily or mandatorily Offer a certificate of completion All out of pocket expenses for trainers, speakers and facilitators Speak to important bullets

15 Step 1: Approaching the Universities
WHAT UCONNECT OFFERS Curriculum Design Contents Facilitating the program completely Guest Speakers Training on meditation On going campus support Train institute faculty to sustain the program if interested

16 Step 2:Curriculum & Content Design
Once the requirement doc is sent to UConnect team a Curriculum is designed. The curriculum is based on duration of the course agreed by the institute As per the curriculum, the content is designed Content can be modified based on local conditions, with approval from UConnect Director

17 Step 2:Curriculum & Content Design
Delivery Model: 1/3 Practical 1/3 Theoretical 1/3 Interactive Typical Curriculum of SDP Week 1 – Orientation Week 2,3 – Values Week 4, 5 – Yoga Week 6, 7 – Religions Week 8, 9 – Meditation Week 10 – Self management – We may offer this for more weeks Week – Systematic Practice (Sahaj Marg)

18 Step 3: QC Review Review of curriculum and content by the UConnect Director Approval by the institute authorities Start the program on the schedule date

19 Step 4: Field Execution APPROACH TO EACH CLASS Self Discovery
Self is the biggest mystery with greatest potential Take Interest in oneself Aids to self discovery Workshops - Interaction, Participation and Learning together Listening to Speeches Reading some suggested materials Keeping a diary Write one’s observation, Review, Measure and Gain confidence Preparing and Participative Less Academic - More practical and exploratory Key words and key concepts Adopting practical tips and experimenting on oneself

20 Step 4: Field Execution CLASS FORMAT
Talks and Lectures from Scholars and Professionals Videos – Podcasts, DVDs Group Discussions, Workshops, Presentations Progressive Meditation Sessions s of additional materials and Handouts Volunteer work to inculcate social responsibility Continuous assistance available from the SRCM facilitators

Go thru the Faculty Training Manual of UConnect Study the PPT with notes given at the bottom of each slide Read the supplementary materials and vidoes Customize the ppt to suit local audience, if required Rehearse to suit your own style of delivery taking note of time Submit the materials to the facilitator in advance to prepare the class room arrangements Dress nicely and neatly Be confident

22 Step 4: Field Execution IN SESSION
Pay attention to short attention span of audience Deliver in a rhythm & Repeat the rhythm Use more of Stories, Homor, Cartoons, Images Use Inspiring Quotes Provoke Key Questions, Interact Watch a short Video Group Activity –Practical, Discussions, Presentations Manage the miscreants precisely Don’t let them hijack the program Involve them, Talk to class coordinators separately, Be tactful

23 Step 4: Field Execution PRACTICAL SESSIONS
Emphasize personal experience Practicing 10 minutes of quiet time daily - Same place, same time Meditate on an idea, ideal Meditate using a system

24 Step 4: Field Execution WHEN TO INTRODUCE SAHAJ MARG
Find out early how many will be inclined to practice any system of meditation. In a longer program of 10 – 15 weeks 5th to 10th session In a shorter duration session start early. Depending on the size and interest

Unifying aspects of religions and spiritual systems Stronger Self is the Inner Self Balanced Existence Will not make empty promises of stress reduction, concentration etc. Sincere practice will yield tangible results of moderation of tendencies Will not talk much on Master and the Mission Sahaj Marg as one of the systems – Voluntary to choose

Students will be organized into groups of 10 – 15 in each (depending upon size of the class) Each group will have a coordinator Individuals participants will get an opportunity to share Ask them to write diaries Ask them to participate in Surveys Ask them to read suggested reading material at home Ask them to Give Feedback

27 Step 4: Field Execution MAKE A SUSTAINABLE MODEL
Plan to sustain – long term relationship with the institute It is easy to introduce people to Sahaj Marg but difficult to retain Ask for commitment from the institutions Meditation hall / room Library Time table Weekday sittings and Satsangh should be encouraged within the campus Integration planning How to integrate those that start in the campuses into Sahaj Marg Refer to Life Cycle Management ppt

28 Step 5: Feedback & Measurement
FOR FACILITATOR Take feedback in the prescribed format after each session Submit feedback to UConnect team UConnect team shall modify ppt if feedback is relevant Submit regular class reports and tracker info to UConnect team

29 Step 5: Feedback & Measurement
If the institution wants you may: Define a progress metrics in consultation with the University Measure the progress of the group / Campus Chart activities for the Self (Diaries) and the student bodies both inside the campus and in the community Measure progress over a period of time–3 years!

30 UConnect on FTP UConnect material available on FTP
This includes all formats like letters, executive summary, requirement docs, feedback forms, bio-data forms Presentation material including ppt, videos, jokes etc. Case study material – MALIBA

31 Case Study – Maliba Univerisity
Maliba was just not a university campus in Bardoli Maliba was an opportunity Maliba was a positive, sincere experiment Towards a definite purpose Carefully crafted Attentively implemented With constant Guidance from Kamleshbhai and Revered Master To participate in His vision of a spiritualized humanity Youth is the gateway to the future

32 Flashback Sep 2012 – Open house and 125 students started
But could not provide a method to sustain them… We had another opportunity Oct 2012 – Kamleshbhai gave the responsibility to Kannan Dec 2012 – Self Development course started 4 support teams formed. 4 new prefects made Feb 2013 – 60 faculty members were introduced. Entire Surat center got involved with Maheshbhai taking responsibility for sittings Currently SDPs are being conducted in 4 colleges yearly and we have weekly satsanghs About 40+ are participating in weekly Satsanghs University is constructing a meditation hall

33 Areas of Volunteership
Apps Development Prefect, Speaker, Facilitator etc. Designing & Content help Coordinator or any administrative help Visit:

34 Communication for Volunteers
Acknowledge Respond in Time Use modern communication tools - Phone calls, s, SMS, Whatsapp etc. to stay connect with the team Add your contact number to signature on Body language - Open, listening and engaged Maintain harmony in the team, work and the center

35 Thank you If you would like to volunteer or introduce Uconnect in your universities or institutions please contact your ZIC/CIC or Area Coordinator Note the following links and IDs

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