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TOPIC: MY GOAL DID YOU KNOW? Happy New Year! Welcome to I will learn about my child’s Biology class Your student has 207

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: MY GOAL DID YOU KNOW? Happy New Year! Welcome to I will learn about my child’s Biology class Your student has 207"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPIC: MY GOAL DID YOU KNOW? Happy New Year! Welcome to Biology@NSBHS I will learn about my child’s Biology class Your student has 207 Opportunities @ school to Learn…Add in learning @ home & they have 251 Opportunities! 9 weeks = 45 days Class = 45 Class = 45 AI = 36 AI = 36 RTW = 9 RTW = 9 Lunch = 45 Lunch = 45 AM = 45 AM = 45 PM = 27 PM = 27 TOTAL = 207 @Home = 45 TOTAL = 251 Thurs 09.08.11

2 Procedure for the Day…. AKA “What are we doin’ today?” IWL GOAL

3 I. A. McLaughlin M. Teuton – 3 rd period NSBHS Graduate! MA Nova University BA UCF AA DBCC New Smyrna Beach High School New Smyrna Beach Junior High Chisholm 7 th Grade Center Faulkner Elementary School Coronado Elementary School 1.Who is my student’s Biology teacher? 2.What is her education? Teacher Teacher

4 3.Biology is a course that requires attentiveness and participation. It is a student oriented class i.e. active involvement before, during & after class. 4.My goal is to do the best job possible for your student 5.I need your help and your students’ help to do that - stay involved by: Reviewing the ISN (Interactive Science Notebook) each night Logging on to the class website Checking PINNACLE 3.What are some characteristi cs of the class? 4.What is MY goal? 5.What do I need from you? Characteristics & Goals

5 7. Allows students & parents to see what we are doing in class each day. 11 Standards Links Daily PowerPoints – actual ones used in class. PINNACLE link! 6.What is the class web site address? 7.What is its purpose? Class Web Site

6 9. Earning at least a 70% on each of the 11 Standards we have established for Biology 10. Practice, practice, practice! Formatives = Practice = Notes, labs, worksheets, etc Earning 70% on Summatives! MiniSummatives = Scrimmage = Quizzes = 40% MAJORSummatives = The Big Game = Tests = 60% 11. That tells me they were not actively listening in class; they were not participating; they did not review their ISN each night….. BUT…. They can ReDo & ReSubmit…. They must do more work to prove that they are indeed ready to ReDO & ReSubmit! The most recent evidence of knowledge counts! 9.What does Proficiency mean? 10.How does your student show Proficiency 11.What if your student doesn’t do well on summatives ? Proficiency!

7 STAR S top T hink A nd R eview Questions? 1.Characteristics & Goals of the class 2.Web Site 3.Proficiency

8 12. NB used for Formatives (Practice) class notes, labs, worksheets…. Everything students will need to do well in the class. It allows the student to express his/her own ideas and process the information presented in class. 13. To enable students to be creative, independent thinkers & writers while they process 14. It works with both sides of the brain  right side more factual… left side  more creative… The ISN ties both sides together 15. Yes, it is MANDATORY & is to be brought to class every day! 12.What is an Interactive Science Notebook? 13.What is the purpose? 14.What is the advantage of the ISN? 15.Is the ISN required? ISN

9 Treat people the way you want to be treated. Be punctual. Be prepared. Be a self-starter. Be organized. Be responsible. Be respectful. Understand the Power of Karma! Be the change you wish to see in the world 16. What kind of behavior do I expect? Class Rules

10 17. End Of Course exam Will replace FCAT 18. Students must pass to receive credit for Biology. 19. Yes; there will be 4 quarterly exams We have rewritten our Summative Evaluations to match the EOC-type questions. 20. It will be offered again… 17.What is the EOC? 18.How will it affect my student? 19.Will practice be provided before the actual EOC? 20.What if my student does not pass the EOC? EOC

11 RESPECT… of me, others, themselves! Active Listening! Organization Discipline Meeting deadlines Listening Writing Thinking Tolerance Cooperation Consideration Manners Sensitivity Kindness Perseverance Humor Humor 21.What else do I teach? 1.That Biology is icing on the cake…. Icing on the Cake!

12 STAR S top T hink A nd R eview Questions? 1.ISN 2.Class Rules 3.EOC 4.Icing in the cake…

13 S top T hink A nd R eflect Did we reach our goal? To learn about your child’s Biology class… To learn about your child’s Biology class… 1.Did you reach that goal? 2.How do you know you reached the goal? 3.What are YOU going to do if you did not reach that goal??

14 Check to see if you really did reach the goal for the day! 1.The class web site address is -------------. 2.ISN stands for ------------------ ------------- ------ 3.------------- means my student must earn at least a 70% on summative evaluations. 4.Formatives = --------------; MiniSummatives = ----------------------------; MAJORSummatives = -------------------------- 5.The basic class rule is to treat others -----------------------------------------. 6.The --------- is an exam that my student must pass in order to receive credit for the class. 7.The best teacher my student has this year is ------------------------------- Interactive Science Notebook the way you want to be treated. Proficiency EOC the biology teacher! Practice Scrimmage = Quizzes The Big game! = Test

15 HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world Stay involved in your child’s education!

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