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How to get your archival data out of your system, and what to do with it when you have. Bethan Ruddock, UKAD Forum 2013 14:30, Room B.

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Presentation on theme: "How to get your archival data out of your system, and what to do with it when you have. Bethan Ruddock, UKAD Forum 2013 14:30, Room B."— Presentation transcript:

1 how to get your archival data out of your system, and what to do with it when you have. Bethan Ruddock, UKAD Forum 2013 14:30, Room B

2 You have valuable data that you want to share… … but it’s locked inside a content management system Image used under CC licence from

3 Push discovery, help researchers find more stuff, promote use of your collections, enable cool things like data mining and visualisations, link to other data sets, make the most of your time and effort, store data in sustainable formats, allow others to enhance your data, embed in other sites and catalogues


5 Check what formats you can export data in: EAD Other forms of XML CSV SQL text format HTML Plain text ?

6 Image used under CC licence from

7 Well, what do you want to do with it? Is your data in an appropriate format? Archive catalogues – EAD Library catalogues – MODS XML Linked data – RDF/Dublin Core XML Is it consistent? Transform it XSLT AtoM CSV Import

8 Well, what do you want to do with it? Think about your audience Is your data content appropriate? Will it enable your audience to answer their questions? Are you allowing them to use it? How is it licensed?

9 Image used under CC licence from

10 Are you having problems getting your data out of your system? Wondering how to transform it? Want to know how others are dealing with licensing issues? Not sure what use cases there are for your data? Image used under CC licence from

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