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Unit 4: Development Theories of Development. The Willpower Instinct Read pg. 30 -35 independently Reading Strategy: 3 points of summary After reading…

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4: Development Theories of Development. The Willpower Instinct Read pg. 30 -35 independently Reading Strategy: 3 points of summary After reading…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4: Development Theories of Development

2 The Willpower Instinct Read pg. 30 -35 independently Reading Strategy: 3 points of summary After reading… Think about what your impulses are. Then describe a time when you experienced the fight-or- flight response. What did you do?

3 Bellringer – in journals Reflect on the debate from last class, and answer this question in 5 – 7 sentences. Use details from the debate itself, or examples from your own life. Are people more a product of nature or nurture?

4 Today We will analyze the theories of development that have come from beliefs about nature and nurture, and we will play a game of charades!


6 Behavioral Theory All behaviors are acquired through conditioning. People have no free will – a person’s environment determines their behavior.

7 Behavioral Theory When born our mind is 'tabula rasa’-- a blank slate.

8 Behavioral Theory: Examples Classical ConditioningOperant Conditioning

9 Psychoanalytic Theory Things that happen to people during childhood can contribute to the way they later function as adults. ID (subconscious) Conscious mind


11 Psychoanalytic Theory: Examples Mary’s therapist believes that Mary’s current relationship difficulties stem from the unstable relationship she had with her father while growing up. Every time the vehicle she is riding in stops suddenly, Mrs. Smith panics. She thinks this is because she was in a car accident when she was a child, and in each new situation the fear of another accident crashes over her like a wave. Jack’s mother left his family when he was a child. Ever since then, he has had a very difficult time trusting people because he is afraid they will abandon him.

12 Cognitive Development Children are born with the ability to think, and therefore learn. (like mini-adults) Children are born with a very basic mental structure (genetically inherited and evolved) on which all later learning and knowledge is based.

13 Cognitive Development Example: If a three-month-old baby sees a ball, she’ll probably be fascinated by it. What happens when someone hides the ball? BABY GENIUS


15 Group Practice Get into groups of 3! Charades You have 15 minutes to come up with a 30- second play or skit based on the theory that your group has been given. Keep your theory a SECRET, because the other groups will have to guess what you are acting out!

16 Exit Ticket (in journals) How are the 3 developmental theories learned today connected to the debate around “nature vs. nurture”? Which theory do you believe is the most accurate? Back up your thinking with specific examples.

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