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Applicant’s Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate Enrollment at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Dr. David González Barreto Dr. Antonio A.

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Presentation on theme: "Applicant’s Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate Enrollment at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Dr. David González Barreto Dr. Antonio A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applicant’s Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate Enrollment at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Dr. David González Barreto Dr. Antonio A. González Quevedo Researcher Irmannette Torres Lugo Researcher Leo Vélez Ramos Office of Institutional Research and Planning University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Presented at the 2006 AIR Forum Chicago, Illinois May 18th, 2006

2 Abstract In recent years the undergraduate population at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) has slightly decreased. This work presents a study where demographical, academic performance in high school, entrance examination scores, and family financial data of the students applying to our institution are analyzed. In particular, differences among the denied applicants, the admitted applicants not enrolled, and the enrolled applicants’ profiles are of interest. The study’s objective is to identify areas where the UPRM Admissions Office can direct its efforts to improve undergraduate enrollment.

3 Profile of Applicants ► Student admission data to the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) was obtained for academic years 2001- 02 through 2004-05. ► The main interest is to study the profile of our applicants and identify gaps between the real profile, derived from the admission data, and an ideal profile. ► The profile include variables such as:  gender  school type (public or private)  geographic location of high school  high school grade point average (GPA)  admission index (IGS)  parents income  Faculty where student registered

4 Background Information about UPRM ► University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) is part of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) system that consists of 11 Colleges and Universities. ► UPRM consists of four colleges and has a student population of more than 12,000 student out of which 1,000 are graduate students. ► UPRM is the only campus of UPR which has a College of Engineering and a College of Agricultural Sciences. ► UPR system has a Board of Trustees responsible for establishing institutional policies for all the units.

5 Map of Puerto Rico

6 Summary of Admissions Process

7 Admissions Results by Type of School

8 Admissions Results by District and Type of School

9 Description of Admissions Criteria ► The admission index, which is called the IGS, is composed of the high school grade point average, the verbal aptitude test score and the mathematics aptitude test score from the College Board Entrance Examination ► The highest possible value of the IGS is 400 ► The weight of the GPA is 50%, while the weight for each of the two aptitude tests is 25% ► Each academic program establishes its minimum IGS for admission to the university and program

10 IGS of Applicants by District

11 IGS of Applicants by District and Gender

12 IGS of Applicants by District and Type of School

13 Students Admitted and Registered by Gender

14 Students Admitted and Registered by Type of School

15 Distribution of Parents Income of Applicants by Type of School

16 Students Registered by Faculty and Parents Income

17 Distribution of Parents Income by Type of School – Registered Engineering Students

18 Distribution of Parents Income by Type of School – Registered Sciences Students

19 Distribution of Parents Income by Type of School – Registered Arts Students

20 Distribution of Parents Income by Type of School – Registered Business Administration Students

21 Distribution of Parents Income by Type of School – Registered Agricultural Sciences Students

22 Admission Success Rates by District - Engineering

23 Admission Success Rates by District - Arts

24 An Ideal Profile ► Gender representation similar to the general population of Puerto Rico (51% female and 49% male) ► Better geographic representation from all the educational districts in Puerto Rico ► 60% from public schools and 40% from private schools ► Better representation from lower income families

25 Gaps between Real and Ideal Profiles ► No gender gap institutionally speaking ► Gender gap does exists at the colleges level ► Income gap exists ► Geographic representation gap exists

26 Recommendations ► Since the representation from public schools in San Juan is very low, especially for female students, mechanism should be developed to make it possible for this underrepresented segment of our population to attend our university ► A survey should be developed to better understand why the underrepresented students by geographical area and by type of school are not attending our university ► Informing the students from underrepresented groups starting salaries and career opportunities will act as a motivator for attending our university ► Sponsoring high schools in areas of low recruitment by developing programs where the students learn about our programs will motivate talented students to apply to our university ► Additional financial support for students from lower income families ► Implement the success rate performance criteria as a measurement of the Admissions Office ability to attract the right applicants to our university.

27 Contact Information ► Contact us at:   ► Download this presentation at:

28 Distribution of Parents Income by District and Type of School

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