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10/20 & 10/21 DO NOW ~ OPVL Analysis Source B - Friedrich Ebert.

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1 10/20 & 10/21 DO NOW ~ OPVL Analysis Source B - Friedrich Ebert

2 O VERVIEW Invasion of the Ruhr showed T.O.V could not be imposed by force Co-operation = stability of Europe Some revisions of the T.O.V. were needed to appease Germany Britain & France would help the process and allow Germany into the League of Nations & draw it away from Russia

3 Major Participants Aristide Briand (France) Austen Chamberlain (England) Gustav Stresemann (Germany) Belgium & Italy as well The French leader gave the Germans an enthusiastic welcome: “Away with rifles, machine guns and cannon! Make way for arbitration, conciliation and peace!” L OCARNO C ONFERENCES 1925

4 L OCARNO P ACT Was a series of treaties that involved France, Britain, Germany, Italy, & Belgium Gustav Stresemann accepted German western frontiers in exchange for removal of foreign troops from the Rhineland Suggestion was driven due to France refusal to carry out evacuation of the Cologne Zone (major German city) of the Rhineland – had been scheduled for January 1925 by the T.O.V. agreement France defended it’s decision by saying Germany did not honor its military clauses of T.O.V. ***To assure French of good intentions Stresemann agreed to accept the permanent loss of Alsace – Lorraine***


6 L OCARNO P ACT Effectively meant that France, Belgium, and Germany accepted the frontiers (borders) between them No military action would be taken unless it was self- defense Gave France security it wanted for so long & reassured Germany there would be no repeat of the 1923 Ruhr invasion Treaty of Mutual Guarantee – Britain and Italy would come to aid of any country that was victim of aggression in violation of the Locarno Pact ***Committed Britain to defense of France*** Were clauses that limited British responsibility

7 Treaty said nothing about German borders on the East—Germans saw opportunity Poland and Czechoslovakia were not invited to main discussion France’s intervention in German is weakened France still felt insecure; in 1927 they began building the Maginot Line –series of forts along border with Germany to stop a future invasion Germany agreed to join the League of Nations T HE E FFECTS OF THE C ONFERENCE

8 F RENCH G AINS France lost nothing by removing troops from Rhineland (suppose to occupy for 15 years) Gained security and German goodwil

9 G ERMAN G AINS 1) Evacuation of Cologne Zone 2) Wanted to prevent Anglo – French alliance 3) Sought to undermine T.O.V. Accepted borders in west but did not include eastern borders in agreement Germany determined to change these borders By signing pact it could be argued that Britain & France agreed to some changes in the east

10 B RITAIN G AINS Britain reluctant to respond to German proposals Chamberlain believed France needed security without driving Russia and Germany even closer together

11 R USSIA Appeared Germany had committed itself to the west = isolation of Russia in the east Dawes Plan had saved the capitalist economy in Germany = preventing a communist revolution Treaty of Berlin - Germany signed this with Russia in 1926 to reaffirm their relationship for 5 more years

12 C ONCLUSION Locarno Pact brought stability to Europe France still wanted Germany restricted Germany still wanted to overturn T.O.V. at least in the east Locarno was first steps in gaining revision in terms of T.O.V.

13 G ERMANY & THE L EAGUE OF N ATIONS 1926 Locarno Pact required Germany to apply for and accept entry into the L. of N. (Oct. 1926) Germany would go around L. of N. and disarming with Treaty of Berlin

14 Y OUNG P LAN 1930 Reduction in total amount of reparations to be paid from 132 million gold marks to 40 million over 59 years International controls over German economy and Reparations Commission could no longer initiate sanctions Full evacuation of the Rhineland by June 1930 = Germany effectively regaining its power status in Europe!!!

15 P OWER P OINT P RESENTATION Continue working on your project for the remainder of class!!!! Printed and emailed BEFORE CLASS!!!! Minimal you should have 6 slides Introduction Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Primary Source Analysis Conclusion

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