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FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR CONFLICTS IN THE COLONIES (1675 – 1774) Trouble on the Frontier.

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1 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR CONFLICTS IN THE COLONIES (1675 – 1774) Trouble on the Frontier


3 Conflicts with France  In the late 1600s, both Great Britain and France wanted control of Europe and North America  Both countries sought to control the valuable Ohio Valley and Great Lakes  British wished to settle the region  French had an established fur trade in the area and wanted to maintain it  This conflict involved the French and Indian allies against the British and Indian allies  This war is called the French and Indian War or The Seven Years War

4 Albany Plan of Union - 1754

5 Albany Plan of Union (1754) Drawn by Ben Franklin




9 ColonistsBritish



12 Vocabulary


14 1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas. 2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt. 3. Britain’s contempt for the colonists created bitter feelings. Therefore, England felt that a major reorganization of her American Empire was necessary! Effects of the War on Britain

15 1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time. 2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonists who participated. 3. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify. Effects of the War on the American Colonists

16 Proclamation of 1763



19 England’s Response to Wars  Pay for a standing army, Parliament wanted to tax colonists even though they weren’t represented  Sugar Act – taxed molasses and sugar imported by colonists  Stamp Act – colonists had to pay for official papers (licenses, newspaper, pamphlets) and playing cards

20 Colonist Reaction  Samuel Adams believed Parliament could not tax the colonist with out their consent  Committees of Correspondence - Contacted other towns and colonies - Helped organize boycotts

21  Sons of Liberty- a secret group that sometimes used violence to scare tax collectors - Organized in Boston - People refused to buy stamps for legal documents  Result= Parliament repealed, or ended, the taxes in 1766



24 Vocabulary  Sugar Act – taxed molasses and sugar imported by colonists  Stamp Act – colonists had to pay for official papers (licenses, newspaper, pamphlets) and playing cards  Committees of Correspondence - Contacted other towns and colonies - Helped organize boycotts


26 Townshend Acts  Taxed glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea  Used to pay for military costs and the salaries of colonial governors  Went against the guarantee of having no standing army in peacetime without the colonists’ consent  Hated by colonists because it violated their constitutional rights  Parliament repealed most of the taxes

27 Boston Tea Party  Tea Act was the only remaining tax left from the Townshend Acts  Created a monopoly - only one company selling, tea to the colonists  To avoid paying the tax, colonists smuggled tea into the colonies

28  Boston Tea Party-colonists disguised themselves as Indians; they threw 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor

29 Boston Massacre  March 5, 1770  A crowd started throwing snowballs at British soldiers and yelling insults at them  Soldiers fired into the crowd  5 colonists were killed

30  Samuel Adams and Paul Revere used propaganda, only giving information on one side of an argument, against the British  The propaganda made people believe the incident was much worse than it actually was


32 Boston Massacre  Soldiers were defended by John Adams, a cousin of Samuel Adams  He argued the soldiers acted in self defense against a growing and very angry mob  The soldiers were found not guilty by a jury comprised of men from Massachusetts  The men were branded on the hand and released.  s2E s2E s2E  wAU wAU wAU

33 Intolerable Acts  Also called the Coercive Acts  Punished Boston 1. Boston Harbor closed until Boston paid for the lost tea. 2. Mass. Charter was cancelled. Gov. decided if and when legislature could meet. 3. Royal officials accused of crimes were sent to Britain for trial to get better jury. 4. Quartering Act-colonist had to house soldiers and feed them 5. Gen. Thomas Gage became governor of Massachusetts.

34 Intolerable Acts  Went against basic rights guaranteed to English citizens  Upset the colonists  Many, like John Adams, who had supported the Crown, now supported the colonists and boycotts  Colonists sent leaders from every colony to meet to decide the best way to get their rights as citizens back (1 st Continental Congress)

35 “Patriots”

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