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THE EGYPTIAN RELIGION (Part I). Did the Egyptians believe in one god, like we do as Catholics, or did the Egyptians believe in many gods?

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Presentation on theme: "THE EGYPTIAN RELIGION (Part I). Did the Egyptians believe in one god, like we do as Catholics, or did the Egyptians believe in many gods?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Did the Egyptians believe in one god, like we do as Catholics, or did the Egyptians believe in many gods?

3 The Egyptians were polytheistic.

4 Polytheism is the belief in many gods. WRITE IN N.B. MARGIN--> “Poly” means “many”.

5 Amon-Re: The chief god of the Egyptians The chief god of the ancient Egyptians was Amon-Re. He was believed to be the sun god and the god of creation. Amon-Re protected the rich and the poor. The Egyptians believed that Amon-Re was born each morning in the east with the sunrise and died each evening in the west with the setting sun. For this reason, the desert area to the west of Egypt was believed to be the home of the dead.

6 Image of Amon-Re

7 Other Important Gods of the Egyptians Osiris- the god of the living and the dead. Isis- the wife of Osiris who was worshiped as the great mother and goddess of women. Horus- the sky god and the god of kingship. The son of Osiris and Isis. Anubis- god of the afterlife.

8 Osiris IsisHorusAnubis Images of Egyptian Gods

9 Afterlife Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife.

10 Afterlife An afterlife is a life after death.

11 Journey to the Afterlife The ancient Egyptians believed that, if they had pleased the gods during their life, they joined Osiris and lived a life of ease and pleasure. They spent their days eating, drinking, and visiting with friends and family members who had died. Because the souls of the dead could not survive without food, clothing, and other items from this life, their possessions were buried with them.

12 Do you think all ancient Egyptians could look forward to an afterlife or just the pharaoh and his associates? Why? THINK-PAIR-SHARE

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