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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 RD Grab your poster You have 10 minutes to finish it When you’re done, hang it on the board and grab notes off the projector.

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Presentation on theme: "THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 RD Grab your poster You have 10 minutes to finish it When you’re done, hang it on the board and grab notes off the projector."— Presentation transcript:

1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 RD Grab your poster You have 10 minutes to finish it When you’re done, hang it on the board and grab notes off the projector

2 SOLUBILITY The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of a solid salt into its aqueous ions is called the solubility product, K sp. For an ionic solid M n X m, the dissociation reaction is M n X m (s)  nM m+ (aq) + mX n− (aq). The solubility product would be K sp = [M m+ ] n [X n− ] m. For example, the dissociation reaction for PbCl 2 is PbCl 2 (s)  Pb 2+ (aq) + 2 Cl − (aq). And its equilibrium constant is K sp = [Pb 2+ ][Cl − ] 2.

3 MOLAR SOLUBILITY Solubility is the amount of solute that will dissolve in a given amount of solution at a particular temperature. The molar solubility is the number of moles of solute that will dissolve in a liter of solution. The molarity of the dissolved solute in a saturated solution For the general reaction M n X m (s)  nM m+ (aq) + mX n− (aq)

4 K SP AND RELATIVE SOLUBILITY Molar solubility is related to K sp. But you cannot always compare solubilities of compounds by comparing their K sp s. To compare K sp s, the compounds must have the same dissociation stoichiometry.

5 K SP AND COMMON IONS Just like with any other equilibrium, ions in common will drive the reaction backwards In the case of solubility, it will lead to precipitation pH and Ksp Consider the insoluble compound MgF 2 If you put it in a low pH (high hydrogen ion concentration) solution, some of those F- ions will bond with hydrogen to form the weak acid HF Thus, low pH solutions increase the solubility of compounds that contain anions of weak acids

6 Friday, 12/4 Quiz on 17.3-17.4 Due: Review questions 19-24 and problem set 5 Monday, 12/7 Ch 17 review and practice Due: Chapter 5 packet and problem set 6 (cumulative questions, to be handed out tomorrow) and quiz corrections Tuesday, 12/8 Chapter 17 review and practice Last day I’ll check ch 17 HW Wednesday, 12/9 Chapter 17 exam Thursday, 12/10 Titration lab Chapter 16 retake deadline Friday, 12/11 Chapter 5 review day Monday, 12/14 Chapter 5 test Tuesday, 12/15-Friday, 12/18 Begin chapter 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS

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