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 What are we going to get out of this presentation?  Why is it important?  Empirical examination of the vast amounts of theoretical literature.

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2  What are we going to get out of this presentation?  Why is it important?  Empirical examination of the vast amounts of theoretical literature.

3  Cultural factors influencing Millennials Social, Familial, Educational  The popular press Howe & Strauss (2000)  Empirical findings CIRP surveys

4  Method Academic Motivations Inventory (AMI)  11 of 16 subscales retained due to alpha levels (.68 and higher).  5 item likert-type response options. Two archival convenience samples (SP09 & FA10)  Analysis Chi-Square “Goodness of Fit” All significant at the p <.001 level.  Let’s have a look at what we found…

5  Hypothesized Millennials would score highly on the measure for Discouraged about School.

6  Hypothesized Millennials would score highly on the measure for Debilitating Anxiety.

7  Hypothesized Millennials would score low on Competing Motives.

8  Hypothesized Millennials would score low on Influencing Motives.

9  Hypothesized Millennials would score low on Withdrawing Motives.

10  Hypothesized Millennials would score highly on the measure of Economic Orientation.

11  Hypothesized Millennials would score highly on Achieving Motives.

12  Importance of classroom experiences Active and collaborative vs. Passive and isolated  Implications for instructors  Moving away from traditional teaching methods

13  Dr. Alisha Francis  Abe Flanigan

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