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Unit 1 Intro to Chem. Metric System or International System (SI) of Measurement Length/DistanceMeter = m VolumeLiter = L MassGram = g EnergyJoule =

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1 Unit 1 Intro to Chem


3 Metric System or International System (SI) of Measurement Length/DistanceMeter = m VolumeLiter = L MassGram = g EnergyJoule = J calorie = cal TemperatureDegrees Celsius = °C Pressure Atmosphere = atm Pascal = Pa TimeSeconds = s

4 MILLIMETERS: a dime is about 1 mm thick METERS: a football field is about 91 m KILOGRAMS: the mass of a gallon of milk is about 3.77 kilograms LITERS: a gallon of milk is about 4 liters MILLILITERS: a teaspoon of medicine is 5mL

5 Volume Volume = Measurement of the 3-D space matter occupies Read at the meniscus! Regularly Shaped Solids: Ruler: L x W x H Centimeters cubed (cm 3 ) Liquids/Irregular Solids: Graduated cylinder or water displacement Milliliter (mL)

6 Length Length = Measurement of distance or dimension (L,W,H) –Ruler, meter stick –Centimeter (cm)

7 Mass vs. Weight Weight Measurement of the force exerted on an object by gravity. Depends on the location and mass. Measured in Newtons (N) Mass Measurement of the amount of matter in an object. Depends on the number and type of atoms that compose it. Does not change with location. Measured in Grams (g)

8 Graphing Rules The title of a graph should always be “The Effect of [independent variable] on [dependent variable].” The x-axis of the graph is the independent variable and the y-axis is the dependent variable. In other words, y changes when x changes. Units should always be labeled on both axes of the graph. The data in the graph should fill the page. Abrupt changes in a graph tell you that something significant has happened.

9 Density Density = Measurement of how tightly the matter within an object is packed together –Density = mass / volume (D = m/v) –Gram/milliliter (g/mL) or Gram/centimeter cubed (g/cm 3 )

10 Metric Conversion Ladder Steps to using the metric ladder: 1.Find the spot (unit) on the ladder that has the same prefix as the measurement you are starting with. 2.Locate the spot on the ladder that you want to convert your number to. 3.Count the number of steps you must move on the ladder to make your conversion. 4.Move the decimal in your original number this same number of steps and in the same direction (don't forget the Base step).


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