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STEP Webinar Building Strategic Effectiveness March 22, 2006 Copyright 2006, TSI Consulting Partners, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "STEP Webinar Building Strategic Effectiveness March 22, 2006 Copyright 2006, TSI Consulting Partners, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEP Webinar Building Strategic Effectiveness March 22, 2006 Copyright 2006, TSI Consulting Partners, Inc

2 Overview of Session Overview of Session Outline key principles of strategic effectiveness Use the principles to explore how to increase strategic effectiveness  Leadership strategies  Implementation strategies  Organizational alignment strategies

3 Definition of Strategic Effectiveness Definition of Strategic Effectiveness Strategic effectiveness is an organization’s ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them

4 Overview of Strategic Effectiveness Formulate Implement Review & Adjust

5 Principles of Strategic Effectiveness Principles of Strategic Effectiveness Quickly formulate a “good enough” plan Move immediately to implementation Review progress regularly Make real-time adjustments Focus on results, not activities

6 Is the Plan Adequate? Is the Plan Adequate? Mission Why Strategy What Approach Core Values Operating Principles Tactics How to perform How to implement

7 The Strategic Circle The Strategic Circle A center that distinguishes core from peripheral A circumference that makes boundaries clear.

8 Factors Impacting Strategic Effectiveness Factors Impacting Strategic Effectiveness Strategic effectiveness is an organization’s ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them LeadershipDirectionStructure

9 Leadership Strategies Leadership Strategies Strategic effectiveness is an organization’s ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them Leadership

10 Leadership Effectiveness Leadership Effectiveness A way of thinking and acting as an leader to ensure the achievement of our mission, goals, and outcomes

11 Coping with the Speed of Change Coping with the Speed of Change I skate to where I think the puck is going to be. Wayne Gretzky

12 The Leadership Balancing Act Manage Present Create Future Selectively Forget Past Vijah Govindarajan Tuck School of Business Dartmouth University

13 Successful Leaders Successful Leaders Foster a marathon mentality—it’s not a sprint “Recruit” champions to deliver quick wins Sustain the focus of energy and attention over time Provide/require honest feedback Manage consequences

14 Effective Self-Deployment Strategy “What” Tactic “How” Manage PresentCreate Future

15 Effective Self-Deployment Strategy “What” Tactic “How” Manage PresentCreate Future The Katrina Factor Distractions File

16 Two Transformational Leadership Skills Stepping in Stepping back  Perspective is essential  Self-awareness is a master trait

17 Implementation Strategies Formulate Implement Review & Adjust

18 Principles of Adaptive Strategic Implementation Principles of Adaptive Strategic Implementation Accelerate the speed to results Continue to improve the strategy based on success, failure, and how the world changes Draw a clear line of sight from individual and unit contribution to organizational results Establish clear milestones and accountabilities Align resources with priorities Review progress regularly and make adjustments

19 Drawing a Clear Line of Sight Drawing a Clear Line of Sight Unit Goals Strategic Map...... Individual Key Results......

20 Aligning Organizational Structure Aligning Organizational Structure Strategic effectiveness is an organization’s ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them LeadershipDirectionStructure

21 New Game, Different Rules New Game, Different Rules Most people don’t know what they want, but they are pretty sure they haven’t got it. Alfred E. Newman

22 New Game, Different Rules OldOrganization TransitionalOrganization NewOrganization Customer Focused Fast, Flexible Flat Empowered Process Oriented Integrated, Partnered “Thick Walls” Slow-Moving, Rigid Hierarchical Rule-Bound Functionally Oriented Stand Alone

23 Balancing Alignment and Empowerment Alignment Empowerment Low High ChaosStuck EffectiveAutocratic Low

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