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Reproduction I. Asexual reproduction - a new organism is produced from a ______________ _________________. single parent A. Mitosis - __________ _______________.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction I. Asexual reproduction - a new organism is produced from a ______________ _________________. single parent A. Mitosis - __________ _______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction I. Asexual reproduction - a new organism is produced from a ______________ _________________. single parent A. Mitosis - __________ _______________ which takes place in a series of steps directed by the ________________________ in the _____________________ Cell division chromosomes nucleus 1. Interphase - the ______________ and ________________ stage of a cell’s life cycle. Chromosomes (_______) are ____________________, but are ______________________ themselves. Then they become thick and visible as the double strands are held together at the ___________________. growth development DNA invisibleduplicating centromere

2 2. Prophase - ________________________ are fully visible. __________________ and nuclear _________________ disappear. Chromosomes Nucleolusmembrane A. Animal cells - ________________ move to opposite ends of cell. ____________ _____________ stretch across between the centrioles. Centrioles Spindle fibers B. Plants do ________ have centrioles. NOT

3 3. M etaphase - Double strands of _____________________ line up near the _______________ of the cell. Each _____________________ attaches to a ___________ ________. chromosomes m iddle centromerespindle fiber 4. A naphase - Each centromere _______________ and the 2 strands of each chromosome pull _______________ and pulls to the _________________ end of the cell. divides a part opposite

4 5. T elophase - __________________ and _______________ disappear. _____________________ become hard to see. The _____________ ______________ forms in each new cell and the _____________________ forms. centriolesfibers Chromosomes **Once the nucleus has divided, the ________________ also separates by pinching off. ________ identical cells form. cytoplasm T wo **In plant cells, a ____________ _____________ forms between the 2 new nuclei. A new __________ ____________ forms along the cell plate. Plants do ________ have centrioles, but DO have _____________ _______________. cell plate cell wall NOT spindle fibers nuclear membrane nucleolus

5 If a single cell undergoes mitosis every 5 minutes, how many cells will result from this single cell after 1 hour? Time# of cells 01 5 2 10 4 15 8 20 16 25 32 30 64 Time # of cells 35128 40 256 45512 50 1024 55 2048 60 4096 Mitosis Summary Division of _____________, then the __________ Mitosis produces 2 new ______________ with the SAME NUMBER of chromosomes as the _________________ cell. Humans have ______ chromosomes in most cells. Cancer - Abnormal ____________ growth of body cells. __________ is too fast!! This excess of cells forms a ________________. nucleus cell nuclei original 46 rapid Mitosis tumor

6 Types of Asexual Reproduction (where the offspring are genetically _______________ to the parent - their ________ is the same!) identical DNA 1. Fission - ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Example: ___________________ One cell dividing into 2 new individual cells bacteria 2. Vegetative Propogation - ______________________________ ___________________________________________________ Growing plants from bulbs (ex: tulips), potato eyes (tubers), runners (ex: strawberries), etc. 3. Budding - __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ A smaller cell grows off a larger cell Ex: yeast

7 4. Regeneration - _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Example: ______________________________________ A new organism grows from a piece of the parent. Sponges and starfish Sexual Reproduction - 2 parents are required to produce ________________. Sex cells (_________________) join together to form a new __________________________. Male gamete: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ Female gamete: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ offspring gametes individual Sperm - (small with a whip-like tail) Egg - (large with stored food) **Gametes have ______ the number of chromosomes as a regular _________ ___________. Gametes are formed during _________. 1/2 body cellmeiosis

8 Meiosis - Produces ____ cells with one set of _____________ chromosomes. 4unpaired 1. Meiosis takes place in the ______________ _____________. A. Sperm in the ___________ or ______________ B. Egg in ______________ or ________________ Reproductive organs testes stamen ovary pistil 2. Two divisions of the nucleus A. Meiosis I: 1. Prophase I - one parent cell with _____ pairs of double-stranded ___________________. ___________ ________________ appear. 2 chromosomes Spindle fibers ___________ ____________and ____________ disappear. Nuclear membrane nucleolus

9 2. Metaphase I - Pairs of __________________ line up with __________________ at the middle of the __________ _____________________. chromosomes centromeres spindle fibers 3. Anaphase I – each ____________ ____________ chromosome separates from its matching chromosome and is pulled __________ to ______________ ends of the cell. double stranded apart opposite

10 Telophase I - ________________ divides and _______ cells form. Each chromosome is a ____________ strand. Cytoplasm two double B. Meiosis II - Each resulting nucleus has _____ the chromosomes of the original cell. 1/2 1. Prophase II 2. Metaphase II 3. Anaphase II 4. Telophase II - 2 _______ cells form from the ____ cells from ____________________. Each of the ____ cells is a ________________. more Telophase I 4gamete 2

11 Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Haploid - having 1/2 the number of chromosomes as a body cell Ex: Human gametes have 23 chromosomes (Haploid # = 23) Diploid - the number of chromosomes in a regular body cell Ex: Human body cells have 46 chromosomes (Diploid # = 46)

12 Sexual Reproduction - 2 gametes (________ and ___________) join together (in the process of ____________________) to form a fertilized egg (______________). The sperm and egg each carry _____ the genetic information for the new individual. ***The fertilized egg carries genetic information from _________ _______________. egg sperm fertilization zygote each parent 2.1d ___________ the genes come from each ______________. Sexually produced offspring are ________ ______________ to either parent. Halfparent NOT identical Through cell division, organisms 1. 2. 3. grow replace wornout or damaged cells produce whole new organisms 1/2

13 Reproduction I. Asexual reproduction - a new organism is produced from a ______________ _________________. A. Mitosis - __________ _______________ which takes place in a series of steps directed by the ________________________ in the _____________________ 1. Interphase - the ______________ and ________________ stage of a cell’s life cycle. Chromosomes (_______) are ____________________, but are ______________________ themselves. Then they become thick and visible as the double strands are held together at the ___________________.

14 2. Prophase - ________________________ are fully visible. __________________ and nuclear _________________ disappear. A. Animal cells - ________________ move to opposite ends of cell. ____________ _____________ stretch across between the centrioles. B. Plants do ________ have centrioles.

15 3. M etaphase - Double strands of _____________________ line up near the _______________ of the cell. Each _____________________ attaches to a ___________ ________. 4. A naphase - Each centromere _______________ and the 2 strands of each chromosome pull _______________ and pulls to the _________________ end of the cell.

16 5. T elophase - __________________ and _______________ disappear. _____________________ become hard to see. The _____________ ______________ forms in each new cell and the _____________________ forms. **Once the nucleus has divided, the ________________ also separates by pinching off. ________ identical cells form. **In plant cells, a ____________ _____________ forms between the 2 new nuclei. A new __________ ____________ forms along the cell plate. Plants do ________ have centrioles, but DO have _____________ _______________.

17 If a single cell undergoes mitosis every 5 minutes, how many cells will result from this single cell after 1 hour? Time# of cells Mitosis Summary Division of _____________, then the __________ Mitosis produces 2 new ______________ with the SAME NUMBER of chromosomes as the _________________ cell. Humans have ______ chromosomes in most cells. Cancer - Abnormal ____________ growth of body cells. __________ is too fast!! This excess of cells forms a ________________.

18 Types of Asexual Reproduction (where the offspring are genetically _______________ to the parent - their ________ is the same!) 1. Fission - ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Example: ___________________ 2. Vegetative Propogation - ______________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3. Budding - __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

19 4. Regeneration - _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Example: ______________________________________ Sexual Reproduction - 2 parents are required to produce ________________. Sex cells (_________________) join together to form a new __________________________. Male gamete: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ Female gamete: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ **Gametes have ______ the number of chromosomes as a regular _________ ___________. Gametes are formed during _________.

20 Meiosis - Produces ____ cells with one set of _____________ chromosomes. 1. Meiosis takes place in the ______________ _____________. A. Sperm in the ___________ or ______________ B. Egg in ______________ or ________________ 2. Two divisions of the nucleus A. Meiosis I: 1. Prophase I - one parent cell with _____ pairs of double-stranded ___________________. ___________ ________________ appear. ___________ ____________and ____________ disappear.

21 2. Metaphase I - Pairs of __________________ line up with __________________ at the middle of the __________ _____________________. 3. Anaphase I – each ____________ ____________ chromosome separates from its matching chromosome and is pulled __________ to ______________ ends of the cell.

22 Telophase I - ________________ divides and _______ cells form. Each chromosome is a ____________ strand. B. Meiosis II - Each resulting nucleus has _____ the chromosomes of the original cell. 1. Phrophase II 2. Metaphase II 3. Anaphase II 4. Telophase II - 2 _______ cells form from the ____ cells from ____________________. Each of the ____ cells is a ________________.

23 Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

24 Sexual Reproduction - 2 gametes (________ and ___________) join together (in the process of ____________________) to form a fertilized egg (______________). The sperm and egg each carry _____ the genetic information for the new individual. ***The fertilized egg carries genetic information from _________ _______________. 2.1d ___________ the genes come from each ______________. Sexually produced offspring are ________ ______________ to either parent. Through cell division, organisms 1. 2. 3.

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