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Organic Bio-macromolecules The molecules of life.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Bio-macromolecules The molecules of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Bio-macromolecules The molecules of life

2 Organic Life Molecules Carbon based – many structures possible Macromolecules - polymers Found in all living things Many different functions

3 Polymerization Connecting monomers to create polymers. All polymers use dehydration synthesis to create a polymer, and they use hydrolysis to break a polymer.

4 Carbohydrates

5 Monomer – saccharides Functions – Fuel for living organisms, ID markers for immune system Types – simple & complex (1:2:1)

6 ID markers Different people have different carbohydrate markers. When cells from one organism enter another organism, the immune system does not recognize those cells; therefore, destroys them.

7 Proteins

8 Monomer- amino acids (20) Functions – catalyze reactions, building blocks of living organisms, fight diseases, provide structure & transport Types- enzymes, antibodies, pumps and channels, tissues

9 All proteins have 3 different structures that help determine what their function is: -Primary, secondary & tertiary structures. -SOME proteins have quaternary structures


11 Nucleic Acids

12 Monomer – nucleotides Functions – store & transmit genetic information. Types – Ribonucleic Acid & Deoxyribonucleic Acid

13 Lipids Saturated fatsUnsaturated Fats Plant oilsOmega-3 fats

14 Components - Fatty Acids & glycerol Functions - store energy, regulate hormonal activities, biological membranes, cushioning, insulation Types – fats, oils, waxes and steroids – Saturated vs. unsaturated

15 Cholesterol Phospholipid


17 You ARE what you eat…. Give your body QUALITY building blocks to maintain your health!

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