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Climate – Earth’s rotation Different locations on Earth travel differ distances for each rotation.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate – Earth’s rotation Different locations on Earth travel differ distances for each rotation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate – Earth’s rotation Different locations on Earth travel differ distances for each rotation.

2 The Jet Stream High altitude, fast winds(100 mph+) that steer storms and determine the locations of high and low pressure areas Forms between cold and warm air masses. Travels W to E in the US

3 Monsoons are seasonal reversals of wind patterns that bring extremely heavy rainfall occur due to different heating and cooling rates between the ocean and continent form because large land areas are cut off from continental air masses by mountain ranges and surrounded by large bodies of water

4 Monsoons Occur in SE Asia and India Benefit -the floods from the monsoons replenish the nutrients in the soil and provide much needed water to many parts of the world, electricity and irrigation

5 Flooding can damage crops, cause landslides and destroy economies

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