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1 Reversible and lossless data hiding in the integer wavelet transform domain (Review) Authors: S. Yousefi, H. R. Rabiee, E. Yousefi, and M. Ghanbari Speaker:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Reversible and lossless data hiding in the integer wavelet transform domain (Review) Authors: S. Yousefi, H. R. Rabiee, E. Yousefi, and M. Ghanbari Speaker:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Reversible and lossless data hiding in the integer wavelet transform domain (Review) Authors: S. Yousefi, H. R. Rabiee, E. Yousefi, and M. Ghanbari Speaker: Shu-Fen Chiou( 邱淑芬 ) Date: 2006/11/2

2 2 Outline Introduction Shi et al. ’ s method Proposed method Experimental results Conclusion Comment

3 3 Introduction A simple reversible and lossless image data hiding algorithm based on integer wavelet transform (IWT). Enhance Shi ’ s algorithm to increase the payload capacity and to reduce the side information and complexity.

4 4 Shi et al. ’ s method

5 5 modified histogram

6 6 Shi et al. ’ s method LLLH HLHH IWT

7 7 Shi et al. ’ s method

8 8 Proposed method

9 9 Experimental results

10 10 Conclusion Simple method to increase the payload capacity and to reduce the side information and complexity.

11 11 Comments Reject 主要的方法和 shi 的方法很像, 只是一階小 波轉換變為二階小波轉換。 論文中的式子不完整。

12 12 Comments Automatic threshold.

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