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A Brief Overview of Emergency Management Office of Emergency Management September 2004 Prepared By: Marybeth Solesbee, CEM.

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1 A Brief Overview of Emergency Management Office of Emergency Management September 2004 Prepared By: Marybeth Solesbee, CEM

2 What is Emergency Management Our Mission Our Role in Local Government 4 phases of Emergency Management What we do for you Agenda Office of Emergency Management

3 Emergency Management Defined An organized analysis, planning, decision making, and assignment of available resources to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of all hazards.” Mission Statement Mitigate response and recovery functions to prevent/reduce the loss of life, property destruction, and environmental contamination caused by natural disasters and accidents. Work closely with County response agencies; municipal, state, and federal governments; and local industry establishing emergency plans, policies and procedures. Act as coordinating medium in times of disasters to provide a link to all emergency resources. Conduct hazard analysis, strategic planning, and coordinate all SARA title III ventures

4 Mission Statement Mitigate response and recovery functions to prevent/reduce the loss of life, property destruction, and environmental contamination caused by natural disasters and accidents. Work closely with County response agencies; municipal, state, and federal governments; and local industry establishing emergency plans, policies and procedures. Act as coordinating medium in times of disasters to provide a link to all emergency resources. Conduct hazard analysis, strategic planning, and coordinate all SARA title III ventures Office of Emergency Management

5 To establish policies and procedures which will assure the maximum and most effective utilization of all resources in the county, minimize the loss of life and/or injury to the population, and protect and conserve the resources and facilities in Spartanburg County during emergencies resulting from natural disasters or man-induced technological hazards. What is the role of local emergency management? Office of Emergency Management

6 Four Phases of Emergency Management  Mitigation: Prevention or lessening repeated impacts  Preparedness: Maintaining, improving plans. Training & Exercising plans.  Response: Coordination and managing emergency response.  Recovery: Damage Assessment. Restoring damage to pre-disaster condition.

7 Educate the public Assist with first responder training Develop emergency response plans (evacuation, re-entry, EOP, EOC, etc) Build Teams (LEPC, Donated Resource Group, Emergency Animal Response, etc) Develop and maintain systems needed during time of crisis What we do for you……… Office of Emergency Management

8 Provide 24/7 Emergency Response Capabilities Maintain the Emergency Operations Center Link you to mutual aid and regional, state, and federal assistance, if you run short of emergency resources Provide Homeland Security Coordination and Planning What we do for you……… Office of Emergency Management

9 Coordinates State and Federal Grant Funds Maintains a Comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan for the entire County Coordinates mitigation plans Maintains and Coordinates the Spartanburg County Haz-Mat and Cobra Teams. Maintains essential databases Resources, volunteers, shelters, tier II facilities, chemical inventories, emergency contacts, marplot data, and more!! Your local Emergency Management Agency also …. Office of Emergency Management

10 Provides on-scene response coordination Facilitates compliance with the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Is responsible for the Emergency Alert and Warning Systems Conducts exercises to increase the efficiency of emergency response personnel Your local Emergency Management Agency also …. Office of Emergency Management

11 Lets Summarize

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