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Citydeals in UK governance context Professor Janice Morphet, UCL 31 March 2015

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1 Citydeals in UK governance context Professor Janice Morphet, UCL 31 March 2015 Twitter: @janicemorphet

2 UK governance context – process not an event Devolution for nations 1999 and 2006 St Andrews Agreement Process continued through Silk Commission (Wales 2014); Smith Commission (Scotland 2015); Christmas Agreement (NI 2014) Role of British Irish Council in policy transfer between civil service (Clifford and Morphet 2014, 2015); (weak) FEA governance for cities NI (2002), Wales (2004), Scotland (2006) Reframing local governance in Northern Ireland (2015); Wales (on-going); Scotland - suggested

3 Devolution in England 1992 centralised regionalism – Government Offices for the Regions (GOR) 1999 devolution in London 2000 Local Government Act – general powers of competence Krugman/ OECD focus on FEAs Preparation for Lisbon Treaty – GORs fail EU subsidiarity test 2004 end of regionalism introduction of localism

4 Local government in England Moved from performance based to contractual format in 2002 with Local Area Agreements for individual local authorities (Morphet 2008) 2007 Sub National Review – move to FEAs 2007 Multi Area Agreements – contracts for FEAs 2009 Local Democracy etc Act – creating Combined Authorities, Economic Prosperity Boards on demand although approval through Parliamentary Orders

5 FEA formation 2009 Combined authorities process starts and continues after General Election 2010 Privileging of Manchester that started in 1997 continues 2010 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) – self determined based on ‘speed dating’ and time pressure – although assumed competitive 100% coverage in England – but not democratic; 2014 LEPS fail EU democratic and subsidiarity tests and are reduced in practical terms through finalised the UK Partnership Agreement

6 What role do city deals play in this? 1. from the view of the central state Exit velocity at end of Parliament? MLG contracts to deal with loss of power – subsidiarity Means of delivering specific EU policies and projects e.g. TEN-T ports, SUMPs Means of packaging devolution of funds Means of delivering other policy agendas e.g. OECD report on training and skills; EU 2020, OECD and IMF on infrastructure and housing Means of managing change e.g.effect of International Accounting Standards in local authority financial management; alignment of administrative and economic boundaries ie transitional local government restructuring/reorganization

7 What role do city deals play in this? 2. from the view of the local state Money Not much new power Another initiative in a long line of central devolution displacement policies Control through contractual relations ‘deal’ confirms power relations Need to deal with BLOs bits left over – need complementary rural policy

8 Governance UK challenges General model not specific initiatives needed to improve local control, confidence and performance Subsidiarity: follow French model for legal and financial tests for all gov actions? Devolution not transfer: downsizing the civil service not transferring to local government Strategic planning: new methods needed Confident local leadership: no longer local blaming central government

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