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Chapter 18 Each person that had their own nigger to wait on them- Buck too. My nigger had a monstrous easy time, because I warn’t used to having anybody.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 18 Each person that had their own nigger to wait on them- Buck too. My nigger had a monstrous easy time, because I warn’t used to having anybody."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 18 Each person that had their own nigger to wait on them- Buck too. My nigger had a monstrous easy time, because I warn’t used to having anybody do anything for me, but Buck was on the jump most of the time. (p 118) Yes- right smart chance of funerals but they didn’t always kill. (p 128) “Dey’s mighty good to me, dese niggers is en whatever I wants to far me I doan have to ast’m twice honey”

2 Chapter 19 Two or three days & nights went by; I reckon I might say they suum by they slid along so quiet & smooth & loudly. (p 129) The sparks was our clock- the 1st one that should again meant morning was coming, some hunted a place to hid and set up right away. (p 131) I never said nothing never let on; cept it to myself; it’s the best way; then you don’t have no words and don’t get into no trouble. (p 137)

3 Chapter 20 They asked us considerable many questions; wanted to know what we cover up the raft that way for, & laid by in the day time instead of running- was Jim a runaway nigger? (p 138) The 1st good town we come to we’ll have a hall and do the sword fight in Richard, IL & the balcony scene in Romeo & Juliet. How does that strike you? But if Juliet’s such a young gal, Duke my peeled head & my white whiskers is goin’ to look on common add on her, maybe.

4 Chapter 21 Well, Caep, we’ll want to make this a first class show, you know, so I given we’ll add a little more to it. We want a little something to answer encarer with anyway. (p 147) Bimma chow’r To backer, Honk. (p 151) Here comer old Baggs!- in from the country for his little old monthly drunk- here he comes, boys! (p 153)

5 Chapter 22 Then pretty soon Sherburn sort of laughed; not the pleasant kind but the kind that makes you feel when you are eating bread that’s got sand in it. (p 157) In the north he lets anybody walk over him that wants to, & goes home & prays for a humble spirit to bear it. So they always acquit and then a man goes in the night with a hundred masked cowards at his back and lynches the rascal.

6 Chapter 23 The third right the house was crammed again- and they weren’t new comers, this time, but people that was at the show the other two nights. (p 164) I would just like to know how much they’re putting in their opportunity. The can turn into a picnic, if they want to- they brought plenty provision. (p 165) “Oh she was plumb dee en dumb, Huck, plumb deef en dumb- en I’d been a treat’n her so!” (p 168)

7 Chapter 24 He was uncommon right, the duke was and he soon struck it. (p 169) Jim was satisfied. He said it was a sight better than laying tied a couple of years every day and trembling all over everytime there was a sound. (p 169) He left a letter behind for Harvey, and said he’d told in it where his money was hid, and how he wanted the rest of the pro perty divided up so George’s g’yirls would be all right. (p 172)

8 Chapter 25 So everybody broke down and went to sobbing right aloud- the poor girls too; and every woman nearly went up to the girls without saying a word….& then busted out and went off sobbing & swabbing, & give the next woman a show. I never see anything so disgusting. (p 177) Friends all, my poor brother that lays yonder, has done generous by them that’s left behind in the bale of sorrers. He has done generous by these yer poor little lambs that he loved and sheltered & that’s left fatherless and motherless. (p 180) All right, I was my hand of the matter. But I warn you all that a time’s a coming when you’re going to feel sick whenever you think of this day. (p 183)

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