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River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best WELCOME Presentation slides can be downloaded from:

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1 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best WELCOME Presentation slides can be downloaded from:

2 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best SEMINAR PSLE ? ? ?

3 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best OUTLINE  PSLE is a placement exam  What is the PSLE Aggregate SCORE?  Why is T-Score used?  Definition & Calculation of T-Score  Questions about T-Score

4 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best PSLE - a placement exam  Need to reflect the relative achievement level of pupils within their peers.  Places pupils into different courses according to their academic ability  Enables posting to secondary schools by merit and as far as possible into a school of their choice.

5 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best What is PSLE Aggregate Score? It is a sum of scores. What are these scores? Are they raw scores?

6 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best The PSLE Aggregate Score  incorporates performance of pupils in all 4 subjects  allows pupils to be ranked fairly

7 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Can raw scores be used? NO !

8 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Why Not?  Different subjects have different levels of difficulty  So are the spread of marks from the average mark, i.e. the standard deviation (spread = standard deviation)

9 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best MEASURE OF S P R E A D Narrow Wide

10 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best DOLLY I scored 85% in both English and Mother Tongue ! H U R R A Y !

11 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Dolly scores 85% in both EL and MT 85% EL EL ave = 60 MT MT ave = 80 Her performance in MT is very close to that of other pupils She did much better in EL as compared to other pupils 0100

12 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best A need for standardisation of the raw scores Transformed Score or T-Score

13 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best T-Score ave = 60 EL MT ave = 80 50 85% T-Score converts average mark of each subject to a common score of 50 points. It also converts other marks taking into consideration the extent to which they differ from the average and the size of spread of the marks around the average

14 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best What is T-Score? It gives the relative position of a pupil’s performance as compared to the performance of all the other pupils in that subject The raw mark obtained in the exam only shows how good the pupil is in that subject, not how good he is as compared to others

15 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best How is T-Score calculated for each subject? where X: pupil’s mark for the subject Y: average mark (mean) scored by all pupils Z: spread of marks around the average mark (standard deviation) Z Y)Y)-(X(X 10 50 T 

16 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Example: Pupil’s mark (X) in exam = 50.0 Average mark (Y) scored by all pupils = 68.0 Spread of marks (Z) around the average mark (Y) = 14.0 T = 50 + 10 (50 - 68.0) 14.0 = 37.14

17 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best How is the Aggregate Score calculated? By adding the T-Scores of the 4 subjects

18 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Example: SubjectTotalMarkT-Score EL120010534 CL220015251 Maths1006753 Science1005847 Aggregate:185

19 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Finally, all pupils are ranked according to their Aggregate Scores

20 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best T-SCORES & GRADES: Is it possible for a pupil with 3A* and 1A to be ranked lower than another pupil who has only 1A* and 3As? Yes, it is possible

21 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Aggregate T-Score: 246 249

22 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Expected Mean Aggregate Score by Class 2009 Mean Aggregate Score 6A 260 6B 245 6C 235 6D 210 6E 205 6F 210 6G 220

23 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best 65 X4= 260 260 X 0.8=208 260X 0.75=195 75 X 4=300 300 X 0.8=240 300 X 0.75=225 80 x 4=320 320X 0.8=256 320X 0.75= 240 Estimation of Aggregate Score

24 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Student ELCLMathSciTotalAvg0.750.8ELMTMASci Agg Sco A 8176828832782245262 AAA* 262 B 8278858232782245262 A* 261 C 8384598030677230245 AA A* 251 D 84581009033283249266 A*A 250 E 6391877631779238254 BA* A240 F 7379857431178233249 AAA*A240 G 7880727330376227242 AAAB230 H 6787797030376227242 BAAA230 I 6265826827769208222 BAA*B220 J 6362687026366197210 BAAA220 K 6668737428170211225 BAAB220 L 6579617628170211225 BABA210 M 6076536024962187199 BABB209 N 60655058 233 58 175186 BABB201 O 5770515623459176187 BABB200 P 4863474119950149159 CABC181 Q 5857536122957172183 CACB182

25 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best Average of 4 Subjects Possible Aggregate Score 80 & Above250- 280 75230- 245 70215- 220 60200 50180

26 River Valley Primary School – Strive for the Best

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