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‘What Dynamic Governance Looks Like’ Governors’ Conference 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "‘What Dynamic Governance Looks Like’ Governors’ Conference 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘What Dynamic Governance Looks Like’ Governors’ Conference 2014

2 Welcome & Housekeeping

3 Roger Gough KCC Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform

4 Role of Local Authority Michael Gove highlighted 3 key roles for local councils: 1.‘holding the ring’ on admissions and exclusions. 2.being consistent local champions for social justice 3.taking ownership of school improvement across your local areas

5 Commissioning of school places  Kent has experienced a 25% increase in births over the past decade, plus inward migration.  There are over 70 schools where there is a requirement for increased school provision due to an increase in the number of children entering primary school sector.  Kent had 19 successful bids under the Targeted Basic Need grant (7 primary expansions, 5 new primaries, 7 special school expansions/ relocations)  Under the Basic Need capital grant allocation, Kent has 3 phases running until 2015/16. Phase 1 – 35 expansions; Phase 2 – 30 expansions; Phase 3 – 6 expansions, 2 expansion/ relocations, 6 new schools. We will also be working on/ expanding 10 Special Schools

6 Vulnerable Learners  Kent is launching its new Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy, in line with the new Children and Families Act and SEN Code of Practice.  We will offer continuous provision from birth to 25 years  All schools will need to update their SEN policy and practices.

7 School Improvement  75% Good or Outstanding - sharp increase in last 2 years  Schools in Category slower to reduce  Changing role of School Improvement  The importance of Collaboratives

8 1 st April - New directorate structure Education and Young People Services Preventative Services Youth Services Children’s Centres Early Intervention Inclusion & Attendance Adolescent Services & Social Work Inclusion & Attendance Commissioned Services Planning and Access School Place Planning Fair Access Special Educational Needs Educational Psychology Quality and Standards Early Years & Safeguarding School Standards & Improvement Skills & Employability Inclusion

9 KEYNOTE Governance Making an Impact Michele Amos Consultant; Newport Educational Governance Making an Impact Michele Amos Consultant; Newport Educational

10 Simon Webb Primary Principal Adviser, Education and Young People’s Services The Importance of School to School Collaboration and its Impact on Progress

11 Dynamic Governance What am I going to do differently?

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